Recherche sur le pétrole, le gaz et autres sources d'énergie extracôtières
Au sujet du CRPGEE
Le Centre de recherche sur le pétrole, le gaz et autres sources d’énergie extracôtières (CRPGEE) est situé dans l’Institut océanographique de Bedford (IOB) à Dartmouth, en Nouvelle Écosse. Même si la plupart des travaux du CRPGEE sont menés à l’IOB, l’équipe se déplace aussi dans d’autres régions du Canada et des États Unis pour travailler avec des partenaires de recherche et pour participer à des ateliers, à des conférences et à des études de recherche.
Créé en 2002, le CRPGEE compte des membres issus de divers groupes ayant de l’expertise dans le devenir et le comportement des déversements d’hydrocarbures dans les environnements aquatiques. Dans le cadre du Plan de protection des océans (PPO) du gouvernement du Canada et du Programme de système de sécurité de classe mondiale pour les navires-citernes, le CRPGEE répond aux préoccupations sur les risques possibles en fournissant des avis et des renseignements scientifiques sur le comportement des déversements d’hydrocarbures dans un vaste éventail de conditions environnementales et océanographiques, ainsi que sur l’efficacité de certaines méthodes d’intervention. Grâce à sa recherche, le CRPGEE peut aider à améliorer les mesures prises par le Canada lors de déversements d’hydrocarbures.
Dans le cadre de ces programmes, les principaux domaines de recherche du CRPGEE sont les suivants :
- Devenir et comportement des produits de bitume dilués dans l’environnement.
- Devenir et comportement des produits pétroliers raffinés dans l’environnement.
- Amélioration des mesures d’intervention et présentation de renseignements généraux pour la création de plans d’intervention localisés pour les ports maritimes à fort trafic..
Les activités, expériences et analyses qui contribuent à ces grands projets sont notamment les suivantes :
- Analyses détaillées de la chimie et de la microbiologie des hydrocarbures en laboratoire, expériences avec les cuves à houle et les citernes antiroulis, et programmes de terrain.
- Surveillance et suivi in situ du pétrole pour modéliser sa dispersion dans l’eau.
- Étude de l’atmosphérisation du pétrole pour comprendre sa persistance et sa dégradation dans l’environnement.
- Étude des interactions entre les microbes et le pétrole en réponse aux déversements.
L’équipe du CRPGEE participe à de nombreux projets de recherche collaborative avec des ministères gouvernementaux, des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaires, des entreprises du secteur privé et des organisations internationales.
Recherches et publications
Articles parus dans des revues évaluées par des pairs
Articles parus dans des revues évaluées par des pairs
- Ortmann, A.C., S. E. Cobanli, G. Wolgeschaffen, H. Y. Poon, C. Ryther, C. W. Greer, J. Wasserscheid, M. Elias, B. Robinson, T. L. King. Factors that affect water column hydrocarbon concentrations have minor impacts on microbial responses following simulated diesel fuel spills. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194 Part B,
- Cobanli, S.E., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Ryther, C., MacDonald, J., Gladwell, A., Watts, T., Greer, C.W., Elias, M., Wasserscheid, J., Robinson, B. King, T.L., and Ortman A.C. Microbial community response to simulated diluted bitumen spills in coastal seawater and implications for oil spill response. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98, (5), p.fiac033.
- Ji. W, Khalil, C.A., Boufadel, M., Coelho, G., Daskiran, C., Robinson, B., King, T., Lee, K., and Galus, M. Impact of mixing and resting times on the droplet size distribution and the petroleum hydrocarbons’ concentration in diluted bitumen-based water-accommodated fractions (WAFS). Chemosphere, 296
- Ji, W., Boufadel, M., Zhao, L., King, T., and Lee, K. Corrigendum to formation of oil-particle aggregates: particle penetration and impact of particle properties and particle-to-oil concentration rations. Science of the Total Environment, 767.
- Kong, X., Dong, R., King, T., Chen, F., and Li, H. Biodegradation potential of Bacillus sp. PAH-2 on PAHs for oil-contaminated sea water. Molecules, 27, (3), 687.
- Liu, R., Daskiran, C., Cui, F., Zhao, J.W., Robinson, B., King, T., Lee, K., Boufadel, M. Experimental investigation of oil droplet size distribution in underwater oil and oil-air jet. Marine Technology Society Journal, 55, (5), 196-209.
- Ortmann, A.C., Cobanli, S.E., King, T.L., Greer, C.W., Wohlgeschaffen, G. and Robinson, B., May. Integrating physical, chemical and biological data to understand fate, behaviour and effects of diluted bitumen in coastal waters. In International Oil Spill Conference (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 1141488).
- Li, H., Bao, M., Li, Y., Zhao, L., King, T., and Xie, Y. Effects of suspended particulate matter, surface oil layer thickness and surfactants on the formation and transport of oil-sediment aggregates (OSA). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 149, 104925
- Cederwall, J., Black, T.A., Blais, J.M., Hanson, M.L., Hollebone, B.P., Palace, V.P., Rodríguez-Gil, J.L., Greer, C.W., Maynard, C., Ortmann, A.C., Rooney, R.C. and Orihel D. Life under an oil slick: response of a freshwater food web to simulated spills of diluted bitumen in field mesocosms. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(5), 779-788.
- Cui, F., Daskiran, C., King, T. et al. Modeling oil dispersion under breaking waves. Part I: Wave hydrodynamics. Environ Fluid Mech.
- Cui, F., Geng, X., Robinson, B., King, T., Lee, K., and Boufadel, M. Oil droplet dispersion under a deep-water plunging breaker: experimental measurements and numerical modeling. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 230; doi:10.3390/jmse8040230
- Cui, F., Zhao, L., Daskiran, C., King, T., Lee, K., Katz, J., and Boufadel, M. Modeling oil dispersion under breaking waves. Part II: coupling lagrangian particle tracking with population balance model. Environmental Fluid Mechanics.
- Dkiran, C., Cui, F., Boufadel, M., Zhao, L., Socolofsky, S., Ozgokmen, T., Robinson, B., and King, T. Hydrodynamics and dilution of an oil jet in crossflow: the role of small-scale motions from laboratory experiment and large eddy simulations. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow.
- Johannessen, S., Greer, C., Hannah, C., King, T., Lee, K., Pawlowicz, R., and Wright, C. Fate of diluted bitumen spilled in the coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 150, 110691. Open Access
- King, T., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., and Clyburne, J. Canadian Bitumen is engineered for transport, but the type of product produced can affect spill contingency planning. Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts. Green Open Access
- Ortmann, A., Cobanli, S., Wohlgeschaffen, G., MacDonald, J., Gladwell, A., Davis, A., Robinson, B., Mason, J., and King, T. Measuring the fate of different diluted bitumen products in coastal surface waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 153, 111003. Open Access
- King, T., Toole, P., Robinson, B., Ryan, S. Lee, K., Boufadel, M., Li, H. and Clyburne, J. Influence of climatic parameters on changes in density and viscosity of diluted bitumen after a spill. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 5(3):373-382. Open Access
- Ortmann, A.; Cobanli, S.; Wohlgeschaffen, G.; Thamer, P.; McIntyre, C.; Mason, J.; and King, T. Inorganic nutrients have a significant, but minimal, impact on a coastal microbial community’s response to fresh diluted bitumen. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 139: 381-389.
- Johannessen, S., Greer, C., Hannah, C.,King, T., Lee, K., Pawlowicz, R., et Wright, C. Fate of diluted bitumen spilled in the coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- King, T., Toole, P., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Lee, K., Boufadel, M., Li, H. et Clyburne, J. Influence of climatic parameters on changes in density and viscosity of diluted bitumen after a spill. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 5(3): 373- 382. Accès libre
- Tremblay, J., Fortin, N., Elias, M., Wasserscheid, J., King, T., Lee, K. et Greer, C. Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic responses of natural oil degrading bacteria in the presence of dispersants. Environmental Microbiology. 21(7): 2307- 2319.
- Schreiber, L., Fortin, N., Tremblay, J., Elias, M., Mason, J., Sanschagrin, S., Cobanli, S., King, T., Lee, K. et Greer, C. Evaluation of the natural attenuation potential of diluted bitumen by microbial communities in the Douglas Channel and Hecate Strait, British Columbia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 85(10): 1-19.
- Ortmann, A., Cobanli, S., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Thamer, P., McIntyre, C., Mason, J. et King, T. Inorganic nutrients have a significant, but minimal, impact on a coastal microbial community’s response to fresh diluted bitumen. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 139:381- 389.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Lee, K., Boufadel, M. et Clyburne, J. Estimating the Usefulness of chemical dispersant to treat surface spills of oil sands products. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 6 (4):128. Accès libre
- Cui, F., Boufadel, M., Geng, X., Gao, F., Zhao, L. et King, T. Oil droplet transport under a deep-water plunging breaker: impact of droplet inertia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(12): 8671- 9428. Accès libre
- Zhong, X., Niu, H., Wu, Y., Hannah, C., Li, S. et King, T. A Modeling Study on the Oil Spill of M/V Marathassa in Vancouver Harbour. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 6(4):106. Accès libre
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B., Conmy, R. et Lee, K. Impact of particle concentrations and out-of-range sizes on the measurement of the LISST. Measurement Science and Technology. 29(5):055302, doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aab83d.
- Golshan, R., Boufadel, M., Rodriguez, V., Geng, X., Gao, F., King, T., Robinson, B. et Tejada-Mart, A. Oil Droplet Transport under Non-Breaking Waves: An Eulerian RANS Approach Combined with a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 6 (7):1-16. Accès libre
- Boufadel, M., Gao, F., Zhao, L., Özgökmen, T., Miller, R., King, T., Robinson, B., Lee, K. et Leifer, I. Was the DeepWater Horizon well discharge churn flow? Implications on the estimation of the oil discharge and droplet size distribution. Geophysical Research Letters. 45:2396 2403. Accès libre
- Niu, H., Li, S., Li, P., King, T. et Lee, K. Stochastic modeling of the fate and behaviour of an oil spill in the Salish Sea. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 27(4):337-345.
- King, T., Fangda, C., Robinson, B., Boufadel, M., Lee, K. et Clyburne, JAC. Oil spill decision matrix in response to surface spills of various bitumen blends. Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts. 19(1):928 938. Accès libre
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Katz, J., Haspel, G., Lee, K., King, T. et Robinson, B. A new mechanism of sediment attachment to oil in turbulent flows: projectile particles. Environmental Science and Technology. 51(19):11020 11028.
- Yergeau, E., Michel, C., Tremblay, J., Niemi, A., King, T., Wyglinski, J., Lee, K. et Greer, C. Metagenomic survery of the taxonomic and functional microbial communities of seawater and sea ice from the Canadian Arctic. Nature Scientific Report. 7:42242, DOI:10.1038/srep42242. Accès libre
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B., Gao, F, Socolofsky, S. et Lee, K. Droplet and bubble formation of combined oil and gas releases in subsea blowouts. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 120(1 2):203 216.
- Pan, Z., Personna, Y., Boufadel, M., King, T., Mason, J., Axe, L. et Geng, X. Biodegradation of dispersed weathered Endicott oil in Prince William Sound water. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 143(9):1943-7870.
- Gao, F. Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., King, T. Robinson, B., Conmy, R. et Miller, R. Hydrodynamics of oil jets without and with dispersant: Experimental and numerical characterization. Applied Ocean Research. 68:77-90.
- O’Laughlin, C., Law, B.A., Zions, V.S. T., Robinson, B. et Wu, Y. Settling of dilbit-derived oil-mineral aggregates (OMAs) & transport arameters for oil spill modelling. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 124:292-302.
- Tremblay, J., Yergeau, E., Fortin, N., Cobanli, S., Elias, M., King, T., Lee, K. et Greer, C. Chemical dispersant enhance the activity of oil- and gas condensate degrading marine bacteria. International Society for Microbial Ecology. 1-16.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B., Gao, F., Socolofsky, S. et Lee, K. Droplet and bubble formation of combined oil and gas releases in subsea blowouts. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 120(1 2):203 216.
- Zhao, L., Gao, F., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B., Conmy, R. et Lee, K. Oil jet with dispersant: macro-scale hydrodynamics and tip streaming. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal. 63(11):5222-5235.
- Personna, Y.R., King, T., Boufadel, M.C., Zhang, S. et Axe, L. Dual effects of a dispersant and nutrient supplementation on weathered Endicott oil biodegradation in seawater. Environmental Science. 3(4): 739-751.
- Zhao, L., Shaffer, F., Robinson, R., King, T., D’Ambrose, C., Pan, Z., Gao, F., Miller, R., Conmy, R. et Boufadel, M. Underwater oil jet: Hydrodynamics and droplet size distribution. Chemical Engineering Journal. 299:292-303.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Lee, K., King, T., Loney, N. et Geng, X. Evolution of bubble size distribution from gas blowout in shallow water. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121:1-27.
- Li, P., Weng, L., Niu, H., Robinson, B., King, T., Conmy, R., Lee, K. et Liu, L. Reynolds number scaling to predict droplet size distribution in dispersed and undispersed subsurface oil releases. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 113(1-2):332-342.
- Garneau, M., Michel, C., Meisterhans, G., Fortin, N., King, T., Greer, C. et Lee, K. Hydrocarbon biodegradation by Arctic sea ice and sub-ice microbial communities during microcosm experiments, Northwest Passage (Nunavut, Canada). FEMS Microbiology. 92:1-17.
- Pan, Z., Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B., Conmy, R. et Lee, K. Impact of mixing time and energy on the dispersion effectiveness and droplet size of oil. Chemosphere. 166:246-254.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Lee, K., King, T., Robinson, B. et Fitzpatrick, F. A-DROP: A predictive model for the formation of oil particle aggregates. Marine Pollution Bulletin 106(1-2):245-259.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Lee, K., King, T., Loney, N. et Geng, X. Evolution of bubble side distribution from gas blowout in shallow water. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121(3):1573-1599.
- Geng, X., Boufadel, M., Ozgokmen, T. King, T., Lee, K,. Lu, Y. et Zhou, L. Oil droplets transport due to irregular waves: development of large scale coefficient. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101(1 2):279 289.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Adams, E., Socolofsky, S. King, T., Lee, K. et Nedwed, T. Simulation of scenarios of oil droplet formation from the Deepwater Horizon blowout. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 100, 304-319.
- Jahan, N., Fawett, J., King, T., McPherson, A., Robertson, K., Werner–Zwanziger, U., et Clyburne, J.A.C. Bitumen on Water: Charred Hay as a PFD (Petroleum Floatation Device). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 3, 1244–1259.
- King, T.L., Robinson, B., McIntyre, C., Toole, P., Ryan, S., Saleh, F., Boufadel, M.C. et Lee, K. Fate of surface spills of Cold Lake blend diluted bitumen treated with dispersant and mineral fines in a wave tank. Environmental Engineering Science, 32, (3), 250–261.
- Yeung, C.W., Lee, K., Cobanli, S., King, T., Bugden, J., Whyte, L. et Greer, C. Characterization of the microbial community structure and the physicochemical properties of produced water and seawater from the Hibernia oil production platform. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 22, 17697–715. doi 10.1007/s11356–015 4947–z.
- Personna, Y., King, T., Boufadel, M., Zhang, S. et Kustka, A. Assessing weathered Endicott oil biodegradation in brackish water. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 86, 102-110.
- King, T.L., Robinson, B., Boufadel, M. et Lee, K. Flume tank studies to elucidate the fate and behavior of diluted bitumen spilled at sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 83, (1), 32-37.
- Conmy, R., Coble, P., Farr, J., Wood, M., Lee, K., Pegau, W.S., Walsh, I., Koch, C., Abercrombie, M., Miles, S., Lewis, M., Ryan, S., Robinson, B., King, T., Kelble, C. et Lacoste, J. Submersible Optical Sensors Exposed to Chemically Dispersed Crude Oil: Wave Tank Simulations for Improved Oil Spill Monitoring. Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 1803–1810
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Socolofsky, S., Adams, E., King, T. et Lee, K. Evolution of droplets in a subsea oil and gas blowout: Development and validation of a numerical model VDROP – J. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 83, 58–69.
- Zhao, L., Torlapati, J., Boufadel, M.C., King, T., Robinson, B., et Lee, K. VDROP: A comprehensive model for droplet formation of oils and gases in liquids – Incorporation of the interfacial tension and droplet viscosity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 253, 93–106.
- Bornstein, J., Adams, J., Hollebone, B., King, T., Hodson, P. et Brown, S. Effects Driven Chemical Fractionation of Heavy Fuel Oil to Isolate Compounds Toxic to Trout Embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, (4), 814–8.
- Adams, J., Bornstein, J., Muuno, K., Hollebone, B., King, T., Brown, S. et Hodson, P. Identification of Compounds in Heavy Fuel Oil that are Chronically Toxic to Rainbow Trout Embryos by Effects Driven Chemical Fractionation. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, (4), 825-835.
- Martin, J., Adams, J., Hollebone, B., King, T., Brown, R.S. et Hodson, P.V. Chronic toxicity of heavy fuel oils to fish embryos using multiple exposure scenarios. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, (3), 677-687.
- King, T., Clyburne, J., Lee, K. et Robinson, B. Interfacial film formation: Influence on oil spreading rates in lab basin tests and dispersant effectiveness testing in a wave tank. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71, 83-91.
Rapports du gouvernement du Canada
- MacIsaac, B.I., King, T.L., and Ortmann, A.C. State of Knowledge on Fate and Behaviour of Ship-Source Petroleum Product Spills: Volume 6, Chatham Sound and Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3252: vi + 32 p.
- MacIsaac, B.I., King, T.L., Ortmann, A.C. State of Knowledge on Fate and Behaviour of Ship-Source Petroleum Product Spills: Volume 7, St. John’s & Placentia Bay, Newfoundland & Labrador. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3253: vii + 32 p.
- MacIsaac, B.I., King, T.L., Ortmann, A.C. State of Knowledge on Fate and Behaviour of Ship-Source Petroleum Product Spills: Volume 8, Iqaluit, Nunavut. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3254: vi + 19 p.
- O’Laughlin, C., Law, B., Zions, Vanessa, King, T., Robinson, B., and Wu, Y. The dynamics of diluted bitumen derived oil-mineral aggregates, part III. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3362: vi + 50 p.
- Ryan, S.A., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Jahan, N. Niu, H., Ortmann, A., Brown, T., King, T., et Clyburne, J. État des connaissances sur le devenir et le comportement des déversements de produits pétroliers provenant de navires : Volume 1, Introduction. Rapp. manus. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 3176 : vi + 28.
- Ryan, S.A., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Jahan, N. Niu, H., Ortmann, A., Brown, T., King, T. et Clyburne, J. État des connaissances sur le devenir et le comportement des déversements de produits pétroliers provenant de navires : Volume 2, Saint John et baie de Fundy, Nouveau-Brunswick. Rapp. manus. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 3176 : viii + 73.
- Ryan, S.A., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Jahan, N. Niu, H., Ortmann, A., Brown, T., King, T., et Clyburne, J. État des connaissances sur le devenir et le comportement des déversements de produits pétroliers provenant de navires : Volume 3, Port Hawkesbury et détroit de Canso, Nouvelle Écosse. Rapp. manus. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 3176 : viii + 45.
- Ryan, S.A., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Jahan, N. Niu, H., Ortmann, A., Brown, T., King, T. et Clyburne, J. État des connaissances sur le devenir et le comportement des déversements de produits pétroliers provenant de navires : Volume 4, Voie maritime du Saint-Laurent, de Montréal à Anticosti, Québec. Rapp. manus. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 3176 : viii + 43.
- Ryan, S.A., Wohlgeschaffen, G., Jahan, N. Niu, H., Ortmann, A., Brown, T., King, T. et Clyburne, J. État des connaissances sur le devenir et le comportement des déversements de produits pétroliers provenant de navires : Volume 5, détroit de Georgie et détroit de Juan de Fuca, Colombie-Britannique. Rapp. manus. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 3176 : viii + 49.
- O’Laughlin, C., Law, B., Zions, V., King, T., Robinson, B. et Wu, Y. The dynamics of diluted bitumen derived oil-mineral aggregates, Part II. Rapp. Tech. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 3209: viii + 49.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Mason, J., Thamer, P., Wohlgeschaffen, G., et Lee, K. Oil sheen formation and fate in an open sea environment. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3178: i-31.
- O’Laughlin, C., Law, B., Zions, V., King, T., Robinson, B. et Wu, Y. The dynamics of diluted bitumen derived oil-mineral aggregates, part I. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 3157: i-44.
- Federal Government Technical Report: Federal Government, Technical Report: Properties, Composition and Marine Spill Behaviour, Fate and Transport of Two Diluted Bitumen Products from the Canadian Oil Sands; Cat. n En84–96/2013E–PDF; gouvernement du Canada : Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 1 à 85.
Chapitres de livre
Chapitres de livre
- Golshan, R., Boufadel, M., Rodriguez, V., Geng, X., Gao, F., King, T., Robinson, B., et Tejada-Mart, A. Oil Droplet Transport under Non-Breaking Waves: An Eulerian RANS Approach Combined with a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model, page 2. Dans : M. Fingas [éd.]. Marine Oil Spills 2018, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7(4), 82;
- Zhong, X., Niu, H., Wu, Y., Hannah, C., Li, S. et King, T. A Modeling Study on the Oil Spill of M/V Marathassa in Vancouver Harbour, page 78. Dans : M. Fingas [éd.]. Marine Oil Spills 2018, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7(4), 82;
- King, T., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Lee, K., Boufadel, M. et Clyburne, J. Estimating the Usefulness of chemical dispersant to treat surface spills of oil sands products, page 133. Dans : M. Fingas [éd.]. Marine Oil Spills 2018, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7(4), 82;
Publications spéciales
Publications spéciales
- Conmy, R., King, T., Robinson, B., Boufadel, M. et Schaeffer, B. Characterizing Dispersant Effectiveness of Crude Oils at High Salinities: Implications for Subsea Spill Preparedness, IAA no. E15PG00039.
- UV – Epifluorescence Microscopy Analysis of Sediments Recovered from the Kalamazoo River
Articles dans les actes des conférences révisés par les pairs
Articles dans les actes des conférences révisés par les pairs
- A. C. Ortmann, S. E. Cobanli, T. L. King, C. W. Greer, G. Wohlgeschaffen and B. Robinson. Integrating physical, chemical and biological data to understand fate, behaviour and effects of diluted bitumen in coastal waters. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 2021: 1141488,
- Brown, C., Lambert, P., Jones, N., Willie, M., King, T., and Dettman, H. Government of Canada oil spill research: an update on five years of studies. Proceedings of the 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 397-414.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Lee, K., Boufadel, M., and Clyburne, J. Seasonal climatic factors influence on monocyclic aromatics rate of release and decay in water from surface spills of oil sands products. Proceedings of the 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 773-790.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Mason, J., Soper, G., Toole, P., and Clyburne, J. Physical and chemically enhanced dispersion of synthetic bitumen in fresh and brackish waters. Proceedings of the 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 859-869.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Toole, P., and Clyburne, J. 2019. Access Western Blend (dilbit) weathered on cold fresh and marine salt waters. Proceedings of the 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 847-859.
- Li, H., Bao, M., Sun, P., Zhao, L., Xie, Y., and King, T. Effects of suspended particulate matter, surface oil layer thickness and surfactants on the formation and transport of oil-sediment aggregates (OSA). Proceedings of the 42nd AMOP Technical Seminar, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 1039-1053.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Lee, K., Boufadel, M. et Clyburne, J. Seasonal climatic factors influence on monocyclic aromatics rate of release and decay in water from surface spills of oil sands products. Actes du 42e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 773 à 790.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Toole, P. et Clyburne, J. 2019. Access Western Blend (dilbit) weathered on cold fresh and marine salt waters. Actes du 42e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 847 à 859.
- King, T., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Mason, J., Soper, G., Toole, P. et Clyburne, J. Physical and chemically enhanced dispersion of synthetic bitumen in fresh and brackish waters. Actes du 42e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 859 à 869.
- Brown, C., Lambert, P., Jones, N., Willie, M., King, T. et Dettman, H. Government of Canada oil spill research: an update on five years of studies. Actes du 42e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 397 à 414.
- Li, H., Bao, M., Sun, P., Zhao, L., Xie, Y., et King, T. Effects of suspended particulate matter, surface oil layer thickness and surfactants on the formation and transport of oil-sediment aggregates (OSA). Actes du 42e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 1039 à 1053.
- Sun, P., Li, J., Wang, X., Sha, J., Zhou, Q., Cao, L., Li, F., Cao, J., Li, G., Ortmann, A., King, T., Lu, Y. et Lee, K. 2018. Biodegradation of a Bohai Crude Oil by Natural Attenuation and Biostimulation with Added Nutrients and Chemical Dispersant. Actes du 41e Colloque technique de l’AMOP. Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, pages 505 à 520.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B. et Lee, K. Experimental and numerical investigation of the formation of Oil Particle Aggregates (OPA). Actes de la Conférence internationale sur les déversements de pétrole, Actes, vol. 2017, n° 1, pages 1911 à 1930.
- Zhao, L., Gao, F., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B. et Lee, K. Effects of tip streaming on the prediction of droplet size distribution in the presence of dispersants during subsea blowouts. Actes de la Conférence internationale sur les déversements de pétrole : mai 2017, vol. 2017, n° 1, pages 1212 à 1229.
- Conmy, R., Robinson, B., King, T., Boufadel, M., Ryan, S., McIntyre, C., Abercrombie, M. et Lee, K. Oil plume simulations: Tracking oil droplet size distribution and fluorescence within high pressure release jets. Actes de la Conférence internationale sur les déversements de pétrole Actes, vol. 2017, n° 1, pages 1230 à 1250.
- Gao, F., Zhao, L., Shaffer, F., Golshan, R., Boufadel, M., King, T., Robinson, B. et Lee, K. Prediction of oil droplet movement and size distribution: Lagrangian method and VDROP-J model. Actes de la Conférence internationale sur les déversements de pétrole Actes, vol. 2017, n° 1, pages 1194 à 1211.
- King, T., Mason, J., Thamer, P., Wohlgeschaffen, Lee, K. et Clyburne, JAC. Composition of bitumen blends relevant to ecological impacts and spill response. Actes du 40e Colloque technique de l’AMOP Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, pages 463 à 475, 2017.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Gao, F., King, T., Robinson, B. et Lee, K. Effects of tip streaming on the prediction of droplet size distribution in the presence of dispersants during subsea blowouts. Conférence internationale de 2017 sur les déversements de pétrole, à Long Beach, Californie, États-Unis, 2017-194, 4 p.
- Zhao, L., Boufadel, M., Gao, F., King, T., Robinson, B. et Lee, K. 2017 Interaction of gas bubbles and oil droplets in subsea oil and gas blowouts – a new development of VDROP-J model. Actes de la Conférence internationale sur les déversements de pétrole, à Long Beach, CA, États-Unis, 2017-194, 19 p.
- Wu, Y., Hannah, C., Law, B., King, T. et Robinson, B. An estimate of the sinking rate of spilled diluted bitumen in sediment laden coastal waters. Actes du 39e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Ottawa, ON, pages 331 à 347, 2016.
- Niu, H., Li, S., King, T. et Lee, K. Stochastic modeling of oil spill in the Salish Sea. Expansion oil pipelines in western Canada will significantly increase tanker traffic in the Salish Sea. Dans : Actes de la 26e Conférence internationale sur le génie océanique et des pôles, Rhodes, Grèce, 26 juin au 1er juillet, 2016 ISBN 978 1 880653-88-3; ISSN 1098 6189.
- King, T.L., Robinson, B., Ryan, S., Lu, Y., Zhou, Q., Ju, L., Sun, P. et Lee, K. Fate of Chinese and Canadian Oil Treated with Dispersants in a Wave Tank. Dans : Actes du 38e Colloque technique de l’AMOP Vancouver, C.-B., pages 798 à 811.
- Greer, C., Wyglinski, J., Michel, C., Fortin, N., Sanschagrin, S., Niemi, A., Whyte, L., King, T., Lee, K. et Yergeau, E. Natural attenuation potential for oil in ice in the Canadian Arctic marine environment. Dans : Actes du 37e Colloque technique de l’AMOP, (Canmore, Alberta, Canada, du 2 au 4 juin 2014).
- Torlapati, J., Geng, X., King, T., Boufadel, M., et Lee, K. Shoreline bioremediation model(SBM): A Graphical user interface to simulate the biodegradation of beached oil. Dans : Actes de la Conférence internationale de 1999 sur les déversements de pétrole Savannah, Géorgie, American Petroleum Institute, pages 1099 à 1103.
- Zhao, L., Torlapati, J., King, T., Robinson, B., Boufadel, M.C. et Lee, K. 2014. A numerical model to simulate the droplet formation process resulting from the release of diluted bitumen products in marine environment. Dans : Actes de la Conférence internationale de 1999 sur les déversements de pétrole (Savannah, Géorgie, American Petroleum Institute, pages 449 à 462).
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Rod Doane, spécialiste des sciences physiques, CRPGEE
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Tom King, chercheur scientifique (responsable de la chimie et des sciences physiques)Téléphone : 902-401-2119
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Ken Lee, Ph. D., ancien directeur du CRPGEE, discute des dispersants d’hydrocarbures utilisés dans le golfe du Mexique.
Le CRPGEE dans l’Arctique

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