Vulnerability of Southern Great Lake Coastal Areas, Fish Habitat and Fisheries
This project will develop the prototype of the Lake Ontario Vulnerability Assessment (LOVA) Tool to provide eventual online access to scenario evaluation of products developed by the ongoing Lake Ontario Vulnerability Assessment to Climate Change. The LOVA Tool will display the current state and projected changes in physical and biological variables that have been modelled for different shoreline zones including: water temperature and levels, coastal characteristics, aquatic vegetation, habitat supply, and habitat-based projections of productivity for select fisheries.
This adaptation tool will inform Fisheries and Oceans Canada programs and decision-making related to ecosystem management, fisheries protection, and potentially small craft harbours, and highlight potential navigation issues associated with climate changes. Ongoing data collection will be used to continue validation of Lake Ontario computer models. If feasible, the assessment may be expanded to model the effects of plausible severe events on coastal processes such as erosion and sedimentation.
Program Name
Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program (ACCASP)
2014 - 2016
Central Canada: Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Freshwater Drainage Basin
Principal Investigator(s)
Susan Doka
DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Tel.: (905) 336-4498
Tom Hoggarth
DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Tel.: (905) 336-4764
Dave Gibson
DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Tel.: (905) 336-4764
Team Member(s)
Valerie Ouellet, DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Carolyn Bakelaar, DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Andrew Lewin, DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Robert Randall, DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Marten Koops, DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Brent Valere, DFO, Central and Arctic Region
Wendy Leger, Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence & Upper Great Lakes Regulation & Adaptation Study Team Members, Environment Canada
Frank Seglenieks, Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence & Upper Great Lakes Regulation & Adaptation Study Team Members, Environment Canada
Mathew Wells, University of Toronto
Charles Minns, University of Toronto
Cindy Chu, University of Toronto
Yves Secretan, Research Assistant INRS Eau Terre Environnement, Québec
André St-Hilaire, Research Assistant INRS Eau Terre Environnement, Québec
Anick Daigle, Research Assistant INRS Eau Terre Environnement, Québec
Peter Deadman, University of Waterloo
Linda Mortsch, University of Waterloo
Jean Morin, Environment Canada, Québec
Collaborating Government Department(s)
Environment Canada
Ontario Ministries (Natural Resources, Environment)
Collaborative Partner(s)
University of Waterloo
University of Toronto
University of Windsor
INRS Eau Terre Environnement
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