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Canada 150 - C3 Voyage Science Program

Fisheries and Oceans Canada provided $200,000 via the Partnership Fund to Students on Ice Foundation in support of the science work under Dr. Mark Graham on the C3 Voyage which honoured the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation during summer 2017. The epic C3 mission was a 23,000 km journey from Toronto to Victoria, via the Northwest Passage.

C3 participants were from a cross-section of Canadian society, including scientists. The voyagers collaborated on four key themes: Diversity & Inclusion, Reconciliation, Youth Engagement, and the Environment. Each of the 15 legs of the voyage included a Chief Scientist, researchers and technicians. More than 20 science projects were conducted, such as collection and examination of lake, river and ocean water physical properties; phytoplankton and marine invertebrate monitoring and surveys; marine mammal surveys; underwater audio sampling; environmental DNA sampling; collection of hydrographic and bathymetric data and much more.

The 150 days of ship-based field research provided samples for ocean and freshwater research in planned publications. The expedition also served to raise awareness of Canada's polar environment; developed partnerships between collaborating researchers and provided for numerous opportunities to engage local communities on science that matters to them.

Project Number: NCR2017.2
Year: 2017, 2018
Partner: Students on Ice Foundation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mark Graham
Eco-region: National

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