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Oceana Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence Science Expedition: Promoting Ocean Science, Conservation and Exploration

Fisheries and Oceans Canada provided $86, 249 via the Partnership Fund to Oceana Canada for this research and science outreach expedition in the Gulf of St. Lawrence led by Dr. Robert Rangeley and a team of researchers and marine science outreach experts, notably, Alexandra Cousteau. Oceana is an independent ocean conservation and education organization committed to finding ways to conserve, restore and increase biodiversity and species abundance in Canada's oceans through science-based fisheries management. The expedition explored areas of the Gulf of St. Lawrence where key species and habitat data are lacking and where further documentation is needed to develop proposals for protection of marine areas in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The expedition helped to advance Canada's leadership in habitat protection, garnered national and regional media coverage and conducted visual storytelling about the importance of our oceans and marine resources for all Canadians. It also revealed ocean science and discoveries in a unique part of Canada's oceans that were never previously explored underwater using cutting-edge technology, including a video-equipped remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV).

Project Number: NCR2017.3
Year: 2017
Partner: Oceana Canada
Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Rangeley
Eco-region: Gulf of St. Lawrence, Atlantic

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