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Educating coastal communities on seal level rise

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is working collaboratively with the Ecology Action Centre (EAC) to build a nation-wide program focused on educating coastal communities about sea-level rise (SLR) and the importance of incorporating SLR into future planning strategies; providing $200,000 in support of the initiative over a period of three years. The key communities of focus are those with small craft harbours operated by DFO. Sea-level rise impacts, including coastal flooding, erosion, and extreme water levels, present risks to economically vital infrastructure and coastal communities across the country. With this is mind, communities require knowledge and tools that are based on the latest scientific research for our region, to support local SLR preparedness planning. In addition to the development of an education package and a website, the Ecology Action Centre carried out pilot workshops in coastal communities in Nova Scotia during the first project phase and continues to focus on improving the co-ordination of sea level rise science via strategic partnerships with academic institutions and all levels of government. Subsequent years of the project will replicate the successes to other coastal provinces, including New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Prince Edward Island, and British Columbia, to improve SLR education and planning and increase awareness of capacity building tools.

Project Number: Mar2016.14
Year: 2016, 2017, 2018
Partner: Ecology Action Center
Principal Investigator(s): Carla Vandenberg
Eco-region: National

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