Predicting Species at Risk: Insight gained from species co-occurrences & Evaluating adaptive phenotypic variation to mitigate threats to endangered cyprinids
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) provided $96,850.00 in funding through the partnership fund to the University of Toronto for two projects. The first project will determine how biotic factors (such as co-occurring taxa) can be incorporated within species distribution models for federally listed fish species at risk in order to predict suitable areas for Species at Risk (SAR) reintroductions through translocations or stocking. The second project will help to mitigate threats to SAR cyprinids by determining critical thermal stress thresholds and whether these thresholds vary within and across imperiled populations.
Project Number:
Year: 2017, 2018, 2019
Partner: University of Toronto
Principal Investigators: Dr. Don Jackson & Dr. Nicholas Mandrak
Eco-region: Great lakes

Reside Dace CTmax experimental set-up at Two Tree River, St. Joseph Island. Purple insulation attached to the trial tank ensures a steady warming rate during cold October sampling days (photo credit Alexandra Leclair; Principal investigator Nicholas Mandrak)

Alexandra Leclair (Masters student co-supervised by Nicholas Mandrak, University of Toronto, and Andrew Drake, Fisheries and Oceans Canada), ensuring Redside Dace CTmax trials are kept dry on a rainy field day at Two Tree River, St. Joseph Island (Photo credit: Kunali Gohi; Principal investigator Nicholas Mandrak)
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