Commercial sector workbook
Current status: Closed
Public consultation was opened on October 1, 2018 and closed to new input on December 2, 2018.
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada has conducted an emergency assessment of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead Trout and found them to be endangered. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change must form an opinion as to whether or not there is an imminent threat to the survival of these populations. If her opinion is that imminent threat exists, the Government of Canada must decide whether or not to list the populations under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is being undertaken to support the listing decision. The analysis follows the Treasury Board of Canada guidance document: Canadian Cost-Benefit Analysis Guide: Regulatory Proposals.
The scope of the cost-benefit analysis is defined by the Management Scenarios that identify the potential closures that will be implemented if Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead are listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Refer to Management Scenarios: Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead for a detailed description of the full measures. The purpose of the Cost Benefit Analysis is to assess the impacts of the Scenarios and not to determine what management measures will be implemented under a Listing decision. Any questions specific to the proposed Management Measures under a SARA Listing decision of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead can be directed to the Species at Risk Program at
This Workbook is intended for individuals to provide responses and is divided into three Sections:
- Section A has questions specific to commercial harvesters in marine waters,
- Section B is specific to inland/terminal fisheries for commercial sale (i.e. Economic Opportunity, Demonstration, ESSR fisheries, commercial sale under Harvest Agreements).
Please note:
The workbook for Indigenous harvesters also includes an opportunity to provide input on impacts to Indigenous commercial economic fisheries.
- Section C is focused on the seafood processing sector.
This questionnaire is intended to provide information that can be used in the Cost Benefit Analysis. The questionnaire is not a survey, as such, it is understood that the views expressed are opinions of knowledgeable stakeholders and parties and not considered representative of the entire commercial sector.
Demographic Question (all respondents please answer):
1) In which region do you reside if you are a commercial salmon harvester? (Or, which region are you operating out of if you are responding for a processing plant). Please select from the following list:
Vancouver Island | Omineca | Johnstone Strait |
Lower Mainland | Okanagan | Georgia Strait |
Thompson-Nicola | Peace | Barkley Sound |
Kootney | Queen Charlotte Islands | West Coast Vancouver Island |
Cariboo | Northern Coast | Outside of British Columbia |
Skeena | Central Coast | Outside of Canada |
Section A.
Please refer to the proposed Management Scenarios for information on potential fisheries closures under a SARA Listing decision of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead while responding to questions in Section B.
1) Are you a marine salmon commercial harvester? (Y/N)
If No Skip to Section B
Only complete the rest of Section A if you answered Yes to Question 1.
4) Which gear do you fish? (select all that apply)
5) Are you a vessel owner or a crew member?
Skip to question 7 if you are a crew member. If you are a vessel owner or captain, please answer the next question (Question 6).
6) What is the average salmon landed value of your vessel in a typically year? (Select one).
7) Please refer to the proposed Management Scenarios for information on potential fisheries closures under a SARA Listing decision of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead while responding to questions in Section B. Do you fish in the potentially affected closures time/areas? (Y/N)
If No Skip to Section B
Only respond to questions 8 to 15 if these closures will affect your fishing:
8) If TH/CH Steelhead were listed under the Species at Risk Act and the proposed management closures were implemented, please identify which areas you fish in during the potential closure times? (Please refer to Figure 3 for map of Pacific Fisheries Management Areas) Please select all that apply:
9) Please select the licences that you hold that would be impacted by these closures:
10) Only answer the following question if you are a vessel owner or captain. Based on the potential closure time/areas outlined in the proposed Management Scenarios, what percentage of your total vessel salmon revenue do you harvest in the potentially affected closure time/areas?
11) Only answer the following question if you are a vessel owner or captain and also have licences in other (i.e. non-salmon) fisheries. If TH/CH Steelhead were listed under the Species at Risk Act and the proposed management closures were implemented, what percentage of your total commercial fishing revenue (i.e. as a percentage of all fisheries that you participate in) would be affected by the closures
12) In which city/region (list provided in the demographic question) do you typically purchase your supplies?
- Food
- Ice/Bait
- Gear
- Fuel
- Other?
Section B.
Please refer to the proposed Management Scenarios for information on potential fisheries closures under a SARA Listing decision of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead while responding to questions in Section B.
16) Do you participate in the Commercial Indigenous for sale fisheries (i.e. Economic Opportunity (EO), Demonstration (Demo), Excess Salmon to Spawning Requirement (ESSR)? (Y/N)
If Yes, Please complete Section B
17) Do you execute an EO/Demo/ESSR fishery in potentially affected closures time/areas as outlined in the proposed Management Scenarios? (Please refer to Management Scenarios when responding to this question)? (Y/N)
Only respond to questions 18 to 21 if the proposed management measures under a SARA Listing of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead will impact your fishing. Please refer to potential Management Scenarios that outline the proposed closure times/areas).
18) If TH/CH Steelhead were listed under the Species at Risk Act and the proposed management closures were implemented, which areas do you fish for DEMO/EO/ESSR that may be impacted? (select all that apply):
19) Which city/region (list provided in the demographic question # 1) do you typically purchase your fishing supplies?
- Food
- Ice/Bait
- Gear
- Fuel
- Other?
20) If TH/CH Steelhead were listed under the Species at Risk Act and the proposed management closures were implemented, what proportion of your EO/Demo/ESSR harvest would be impacted by the SARA Listing Management Scenario?
21) Please describe what the impacts of the proposed management measures would be on your fishing business under a potential SARA Listing of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead.
Section C.
Please refer to the proposed Management Scenarios for information on potential fisheries closures under a SARA Listing decision of Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead while responding to questions in Section B.
22) Are you a commercial fish processor? (Y/N)
If yes, please continue to next question
23) Do you process salmon? (Y/N)
If yes, please continue to next question
25) Which months does your business operate (from month) ______ (to month) _______.
27) Which city/region (list provided in question 1) do you typically purchase your supplies?
- Packaging
- Equipment
- Other?
Thank you for your input.
Please return the completed workbook to or 200 – 401 Burrard St. (15 fl. Policy), Vancouver, BC V6C 3S4

Figure 1: Freshwater Fisheries Management Regions
- Skeena
- Peace
- Fort St. John
- Prince George
- Omineca
- Smithers
- Cariboo
- Williams Lake
- Thompson-Nicola
- Kamloops
- Lower Mainland
- Surrey
- Vancouver Island
- Nanaimo
- Okanagan
- Penticton
- Kootenay
- Cranbrook
- Nelson

Figure 2: Tidal Water Fisheries Management Regions
- Haida Gwaii (formerly, Queen Charlotte Islands)
- Northern Coast
- Central Coast
- Johnstone Strait
- Georgia Strait, including the Fraser River up to Mission Bridge
- Barkley Sound
- Western Vancouver Island
- U.S.A.
- Masset
- Queen Charlotte City
- Prince Rupert
- Kitimat
- Bella Coola
- Bella Bella
- Owers Inlet
- Port Hardy
- Campbell River
- Comox
- Vancouver
- Victoria
- Sooke
- Nanaimo
- Port Alberni
- Ucluelet
- Tofino
- Date modified: