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Protecting whales

Actions to help protect Canada's endangered whales.

On social media

Report dead or distressed marine mammals

To report dead, injured or entangled marine mammals, please visit report a marine mammal in distress.

Services and information

Working with our partners

Collaborating with other governments, groups that have expertise in marine mammals and species at risk, and others to prevent future incidents.


Science informs our action to protect whales.

Watching marine wildlife

Guidelines and best practices for observing marine animals in your region.

Ghost gear

The problem with ghost fishing gear and what we are doing about it.

Whalesafe fishing gear

Supporting the transition to whalesafe gear.

Endangered whales

North Atlantic right whale protection measures

There are approximately 340 North Atlantic right whales in the world. See the steps Canada is taking to help this iconic species recover.

Southern Resident killer whale protection measures

There are approximately 73 Southern Resident killer whales in the world. Canada continues to strengthen measures to protect the endangered Southern Resident killer whale.

Canada’s endangered St. Lawrence-Estuary Beluga

There are less than 900 St. Lawrence-Estuary Beluga in the world. Here’s what we are doing to help them.

Related Links


Whalesafe gear trial results symposium

Shared outcomes including successes, challenges, lessons learned, and ways forward.

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