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Marine Mammal Response Program: Annual report 2021-22

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The Marine Mammal Response program annual report is comprised of incident and response data received from DFO regions and external partners across Canada during the fiscal year.

Response partners

DFO has several contracted partners who deliver critical marine mammal response services nationally.


Between April 2021 and March 2022, there were a total of 1,758 reported incidents involving over 2,000 animals. Of the total number of incidents reported there were 1,089 responses. Of the total number of incidents reported, 273 were incidents involving Species At Risk (SARA) (several incidents were listed as an unidentifiable species; therefore, the number of incidents involving SARA species could be higher). Responses occurred for 265 of the 273 incidents reported involving SARA species. There are multiple reasons why a response to a report many not be required or may not be possible, e.g. duplicate reports of the same incident, no option for safe response, etc.

The types of incidents included: entanglements, close vessel approaches, harassment, collisions, live strandings, injured / sick, sightings / free swimming, dead (beached and floating), distressed, shootings, and animals interacting with the public.

The types of responses included: freeing entangled whales and pinnipeds, collecting samples and performing necropsies on dead animals, reuniting stranded animals with their pods, responding to harassment calls, refloating live beached animals, monitoring sick animals, monitoring close approaches by vessels, and warming cold stunned sea turtles.

There are multiple reasons why a response to a report many not be required or may not be possible, e.g. duplicate reports of the same incident, no option for safe response, etc. It is important to note that the numbers provided in this report have been collected on an opportunistic basis via reports from response organizations. Consequently, the true number of animals impacted by human activities cannot be determined. As not all incidents are reported, the data here is likely an underestimate of the true impact to these species and populations.

Marine Mammal Regulations

All marine mammals are subject to the provisions of the Marine Mammal Regulations under the Fisheries Act. The Government of Canada amended the Marine Mammal Regulations in 2018 to provide greater protection for marine mammals including Canada's at-risk whales.

It's against the law to disturb a marine mammal. You can't:

Only authorized marine mammal rescue personnel and partner organizations who use specialized equipment and techniques may help marine animals in distress.

If you see any marine mammal in distress, do not approach, and report it as soon as possible.

Incident numbers by region

Please Note:

Some reported incidents are sightings of animals where no response was possible or required but information is collected. Some incidents are also repeated multiple times (each call that comes in is recorded to show the level of activity of the hotlines). These issues are the reason why number of responses can be different from the number of reports received.

Other national initiatives to protect whales

Ghost Gear initiative

Whalesafe Fisheries Management Measures and Gear Innovation

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