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Appendix I: Overview of the main fishing fleets in Canada

Notes regarding all tables:

1. The overview of marine commercial fishing fleets is presented for all six administrative regions of DFO. Graph 5.1 below presents a subdivision of Canada showing DFO administrative regions.

2. A "fish harvester" is defined here as the holder of one or more fishing licences who was active in 2005, i.e. who landed at least 1kg of marine or freshwater species during the year. Fleets are in general mutually exclusive; however it is possible that some fish harvesters are counted against more than one fleet.

Figure 5.1: DFO administrative regions

Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

Table 5.1: Overview of main fleets, DFO Maritimes Region (Southern New Brunswick and Nova Scotia except Northumberland Strait)
Fishing Fleet Fishing Method Management Method Vessel Length Number of Fish Harvesters Main (directed) Species Landed Value in 2005 ($m)
Multispecies Non-Vessel Rakes, Tongs Competitive Non-Vessel 331 Clams $3m
Multispecies Inshore Drag, Trawl, Traps, Gillnet, Longline, Seine Competitive, Trap Limits, IQ < 65' 3,308 Lobster, Groundfish, Snowcrab, Scallop, Swordfish, Herring, Sea Urchins, Shrimp, Tuna, Mackerel $542m
Multispecies Midwater Trawl, Gillnet Competitive, IQ 65' - 100' 5 Groundfish $21m
Multispecies Offshore Drag, Trawl, Traps IQ, Trap Limits > 100' 19 Scallop, Shrimp, Clams, Lobster, Groundfish $104m
Aboriginal Bands Drag, Trawl, Traps, Gillnet, Longline, Seine Competitive, Trap Limits, IQ All 17 Snowcrab, Lobster, Groundfish, Scallop, Shrimp, Sea Urchins $29m
Other           $19m
Total       3,680   $718m

Source: DFO, Maritimes Region, Statistics and Licencing Units.

Table 5.2: Overview of main fleets, DFO Gulf region (Eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia's Northumberland Strait)
Fishing Fleet Fishing method Management method Vessel Length Number of fishers Main (directed) Species Landed Value (2005) $m
Crabbers Traps IQ < 45' and 50' - 100' 260 Snow Crab $82m
Shrimp fishers Trawl IQ All 20 Shrimp $7m
Herring Seiners Purse Seine IQ > 65' 6 Herring $2m
Lobster / Multi-species Traps, Gillnet, Hook & Line Trap Limits (75-375) < 45' 3,175 Lobster (Directed), Herring, Tuna, Snow Crab, Groundfish $225m, inc. $188m lobster and $14m snow crab
Groundfish Specialists Trawl, Seine, Longline, Gillnet IQ and Competitive < 65' 35 Groundfish (Directed), Shrimp, Snow crab $8m, inc. $6m snow crab, $1m shrimp and $1m groundfish
Aboriginals Traps IQ, Trap Limits (75-375) < 45' 207 Snow Crab, Lobster $20m, inc. $14m snow crab and $6m lobster
Other           $32m
Total:       3,703   $376m

Source: DFO, Gulf Region, Statistics and Licencing Units.

Table 5.3: Overview of main fleets, DFO Quebec Region (Quebec)
Fishing Fleet Fishing method Management method Vessel Length Number of Fish Harvesters1 Main (directed) Species Landed Value in 2005 ($m)
Crabbers Traps IQ < 100 ' 156 Crab $48m
Lobster fishers Traps Trap limits < 65' 583 Lobster $44m
Shrimp fishers Trawl IQ < 100 ' 33 Shrimp $14m
Groundfish / Multispecies Gillnet, Trawl, Traps IQ and Competitive < 45' 304 Cod, Greenland Halibut, Atlantic Halibut, Temporary Snow crab and Shrimp allocations $13m
Midshore Groundfish / Multispecies Longline, Traps, Trawl IQ and Competitive > 45 ' 99 Cod, Greenland Halibut, Atlantic Halibut, Temporary Snow crab et shrimp and Shrimp allocations $9m
Aboriginals Trawl, Gillnet, Traps IQ and Competitive < 100 ' 12 Groundfish, Lobster, Shrimp and Snow crab $10m
Other           $22m
Total       1,187   $160m

1Number of active Quebec fish harvesters in 2005, "core" and "s/o" designations only.
Source: DFO, Quebec Region, Statistics and Licensing Unit and Policy & Economics Branch.

Table 5.4: Overview of main fleets, DFO Newfoundland and Labrador Region (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Fishing Fleet Fishing method Management method Vessel Length Number of Fish Harvesters1 Main (directed) Species Landed Value in 2005 ($m)
Inshore Pots, Gillnet, traps, rifles IQ, Competitive < 35' 2,781 Groundfish, Crab(Queen/Snow), Lobster, Cod, Roe (lumpfish), Capelin, Seal $84m, inc. $30m Snow crab and $25m Lobster
Nearshore Pots, Otter trawl, Gillnet, Purse seine, Rifle, Hakapik IQ, Competitive 35' - 64'11" 1,209 Groundfish, Crab(Queen/Snow), Shrimp(Pandalus Borealis), Seal skins, Mackerel, Turbot/Greenland halibut $219m, inc. $104m Snow crab and $59m Shrimp
Midshore Pots, Purse seine, Gillnet IQ, Competitive 65' - 99'11" 9 Crab(Queen/Snow), Mackerel, Turbot/Greenland halibut, Herring, Capelin $7m, inc. $2m Greenland halibut and $1m Herring
Offshore Otter Trawl, Pots EA, IQ, Competitive 100' + 14 Shrimp (Pandalus Borealis), Clams (Stimpsons surf), Turbot/Greenland halibut, Yellowtail flounder, Crab (Queen/Snow), Cod $122m, inc. $77m Shrimp (Pandalus Borealis), $11m Greenland halibut and $10m Yellowtail flounder
Aboriginal, Inshore Pots, Gillnet, traps, rifles IQ, Competitive < 35 ' 4 Groundfish, Crab(Queen/Snow), Lobster, Cod, Roe (lumpfish), Capelin, Herring, Mackerel n/a
Aboriginal, Nearshore Pots, Otter trawl, Gillnet, Purse seine, Rifle, Hakapik IQ, Competitive 35' - 64 '11" 9 Groundfish, Crab(Queen/Snow), Seal skins, Mackerel, Turbot, Bluefin Tuna, Swordfish, Tuna, Scallop n/a
Aboriginal, Offshore Gillnet, Otter Trawl Enterprise allocations, Competitive 65' - 99 '11" 1 Groundfish, Turbot, Shrimp n/a
Other           $83m
Total       4,027   $515m

1Active "core" fish harvesters in 2005 only.
Source: DFO, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, Statistics and Licencing Units.

Table 5.5: Overview of main fleets, DFO Pacific Region (British Columbia)
Fishing Fleet Fishing method Management method Vessel Length Number of Fish Harvesters1 Main
(directed) Species
Landed Value in 2005 ($m)
Shellfish Dive, Dredge, Trawl, Traps, Hand picking or digging, Longline, Seine IQ, Competitive, Trap Limits 12' - 150 ' 657 Prawn, Shrimp, Geoduck, Dungeness crab, Clam, Horse clam, Euphausiid, Sea urchins, Sea cucumber, Opal squid $112m, including $43m Prawn and Shrimp and $32m Geoduck
Groundfish - multispecies Trawl, Longline IQ, Competitive 9' - 187 ' 134 Groundfish (Rockfish, Longspine/Shortspine thornyheads, Greenlings, Lingcod, Perch, Cod, Sole, Flounder, Dogfish, Pollock, Hake, Tuna) $61m
Pacific Halibut Longline IQ 9' - 85 ' 223 Halibut $52m
Sablefish Longline, Traps IQ 23' - 116 ' 45 Sablefish $29m
Salmon Gillnet, Purse seine, Troll Competitive 17' - 100 ' 1,430 Sockeye, Coho, Pink, Chum, Chinook $34m
Herring Purse seine, Gillnet, Seine, Dip net IQ, Competitive 20' - 101 ' 216 Herring, Herring Roe, Herring spawn on kelp $24m
Other           $17m
Total       2,705   $329m

1Since data on the number of active fish harvesters is not available for Pacific region, the number of vessels for which at least one landing was registered in 2005 was used as a proxy.
Source: DFO, Pacific Region, Statistics and Licensing Units.

Table 5.6: Overview of main fleets, DFO Central & Arctic Region (Freshwater fisheries and Canadian Arctic)
Fishing Fleet Fishing method Management method Vessel Length Number of Fish Harvesters Main (directed) Species Landed Value in 2005 ($m)
Groundfish, North Atlantic (NAFO Sub-Area 0) Trawl, Longline, Gillnet IQ > 65', under ice longlining 14 Greenland halibut n/a
Shrimp, North Atlantic (NAFO Sub-Area 0) Trawl IQ > 65' 5 Shrimp (Pandalus Borealis) n/a
Freshwater Fisheries (MB, SK, AB, NWT and Northwestern Ontario) Gillnet Competitive n/a 2,828 Whitefish, Pickerel, Pike, other $28m
Great Lakes Fisheries Gillnet, Trap net, Trawl, Hoop net, Other IQ n/a 482 Yellow Perch, Walleye, Lake Whitefish, Bass, Smelt, other $35m
Aboriginals Gillnet Competitive n/a 366 Arctic Char $0m
Other           -
Total       3,695   $63m

Source: DFO, Central and Arctic Region, Policy & Economics Branch.

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