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Appendix II: Landings tables, marine fisheries

6 Appendix II: Landings tables, marine fisheries

Table 6.1: Landed volume of the main marine species fished in Canada, thousand tonnes, 2006-2008
Main species, by ISSCAAP division Landed Weight (,000 t)
2006 2007 2008 % of Total (2008) % change
Diadromous fishes 30 25 10 1% -59%
  Salmon 24 20 5 1% -74%
  Other Diadromous Fish 6 5 5 1% 1%
Marine fishes 534 505 455 49% -10%
  Groundfish 237 216 216 23% 0%
    Atlantic Halibut 2 2 2 0% 4%
    Greenland Halibut 15 14 12 1% -11%
    Pacific Halibut 7 6 5 1% -20%
    Cod, Atlantic 27 27 27 3% 0%
    Haddock 17 19 21 2% 7%
    Hake, North Pacific 82 67 69 7% 4%
    Rockfishes 12 13 13 1% -3%
    Sablefish 5 4 3 0% -13%
    Other Groundfish 70 65 64 7% -1%
  Pelagic fish 296 289 239 26% -18%
    Herring 160 168 140 15% -16%
    Herring, Pacific 23 12 11 1% -6%
    Swordfish 1 1 1 0% 3%
    Tuna 6 6 4 0% -28%
    Mackerel 54 53 30 3% -44%
    Capelin 42 38 39 4% 4%
    Other Pelagic Fish 9 11 12 1% 12%
Crustaceans 339 346 336 36% -3%
  Crab, Dungeness 4 6 6 1% 3%
  Crab, Snow (Queen) 90 91 94 10% 4%
  Lobster 55 49 59 6% 21%
  Shrimp 181 191 169 18% -11%
  Other Crustaceans 9 9 8 1% -13%
Molluscs 118 99 102 11% 3%
  Scallop 63 65 68 7% 3%
  Clams, Stimpson Surf 22 19 20 2% 6%
  Clams, Pacific Geoduck 2 2 2 0% 0%
  Other Molluscs 31 14 13 1% -4%
Other1 56 30 29 3% -3%
Total 1,077 1,005 932 100% -7%

1Other = "Whales, seals and other aquatic mammals", "Miscellaneous aquatic animals", "Miscellaneous aquatic products" and "Aquatic plants".
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

Table 6.2: Landed value of the main marine species fished in Canada, million dollars, 2006-2008
Main species, by ISSCAAP division Landed Value ($m)
2006 2007 2008 % of Total (2008) % change
Diadromous fishes 68 39 33 2% -15%
  Salmon 62 32 22 1% -32%
  Other Diadromous Fish 6 8 12 1% 56%
Marine fishes 435 397 359 19% -10%
  Groundfish 302 272 252 13% -8%
    Atlantic Halibut 16 19 18 1% -3%
    Greenland Halibut 36 32 24 1% -25%
    Pacific Halibut 55 35 28 1% -20%
    Cod, Atlantic 37 43 45 2% 5%
    Haddock 27 28 27 1% -4%
    Hake, North Pacific 20 16 17 1% 4%
    Rockfishes 17 19 18 1% -9%
    Sablefish 33 24 20 1% -14%
    Other Groundfish 61 56 55 3% -2%
  Pelagic fish 133 124 107 6% -14%
    Herring 34 36 30 2% -16%
    Herring, Pacific 19 21 16 1% -20%
    Swordfish 12 11 9 0% -23%
    Tuna 28 24 25 1% 4%
    Mackerel 20 18 12 1% -33%
    Capelin 12 10 10 1% 0%
    Other Pelagic Fish 7 4 4 0% -6%
Crustaceans 1,171 1,323 1,298 69% -2%
  Crab, Dungeness 21 34 36 2% 6%
  Crab, Snow (Queen) 215 368 357 19% -3%
  Lobster 653 629 619 33% -2%
  Shrimp 274 285 278 15% -2%
  Other Crustaceans 7 7 7 0% -7%
Molluscs 187 168 170 9% 1%
  Scallop 88 90 93 5% 4%
  Clams, Stimpson Surf 29 27 29 2% 8%
  Clams, Pacific Geoduck 32 30 30 2% -2%
  Other Molluscs 37 21 19 1% -13%
Other1 54 31 29 2% -6%
Total 1,914 1,959 1,889 100% -4%

1Other = "Whales, seals and other aquatic mammals", "Miscellaneous aquatic animals", "Miscellaneous aquatic products" and "Aquatic plants".
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

Table 6.3: Landed price of the main marine species fished in Canada, $/kg 2006-2008
Main species, by ISSCAAP division Landed Price ($/kg)
2006 2007 2008 % change
% change
Diadromous fishes 2.24 1.57 3.27 109% 46%
  Salmon 2.53 1.56 4.02 157% 59%
  Other Diadromous Fish 1.03 1.58 2.45 55% 138%
Marine fishes 0.82 0.79 0.79 0% -3%
  Groundfish 1.27 1.26 1.17 -8% -9%
    Atlantic Halibut 8.91 9.17 8.59 -6% -4%
    Greenland Halibut 2.49 2.35 1.98 -16% -21%
    Pacific Halibut 7.53 5.92 5.92 0% -21%
    Cod, Atlantic 1.36 1.60 1.68 5% 24%
    Haddock 1.58 1.44 1.29 -10% -18%
    Hake, North Pacific 0.24 0.24 0.24 0% 0%
    Rockfishes 1.39 1.46 1.36 -6% -2%
    Sablefish 7.25 6.64 6.60 -1% -9%
    Other Groundfish 0.87 0.87 0.86 -2% -1%
  Pelagic fish 0.45 0.43 0.45 4% 0%
    Herring 0.21 0.22 0.22 0% 2%
    Herring, Pacific 0.83 1.71 1.46 -15% 76%
    Swordfish 8.47 8.44 6.37 -25% -25%
    Tuna 4.73 3.98 5.79 46% 22%
    Mackerel 0.38 0.33 0.40 21% 6%
    Capelin 0.28 0.27 0.26 -4% -7%
    Other Pelagic Fish 0.71 0.37 0.31 -16% -57%
Crustaceans 3.45 3.83 3.86 1% 12%
  Crab, Dungeness 5.51 5.54 5.66 2% 3%
  Crab, Snow (Queen) 2.40 4.05 3.80 -6% 58%
  Lobster 11.87 12.87 10.50 -18% -12%
  Shrimp 1.51 1.50 1.65 10% 9%
  Other Crustaceans 0.80 0.78 0.83 6% 4%
Molluscs 1.58 1.69 1.66 -2% 5%
  Scallop 1.39 1.37 1.37 0% -1%
  Clams, Stimpson Surf 1.34 1.42 1.44 2% 8%
  Clams, Pacific Geoduck 20.65 19.51 19.03 -2% -8%
  Other Molluscs 1.19 1.56 1.42 -9% 19%
Other1 0.97 1.04 1.01 -3% 4%
Total 1.78 1.95 2.03 4% 14%

1Other = "Whales, seals and other aquatic mammals", "Miscellaneous aquatic animals", "Miscellaneous aquatic products" and "Aquatic plants".
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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