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Section 3 - Commercial fisheries and aquaculture

3.1.14 Landed volume and value by top 10 ports of landing, 2006-2008
Province Portland Vol (kg) Val ($)
British Columbia Port Hardy 49,732,671 61,745,098
Newfoundland & Labrador Harbour Grace 28,518,263 58,409,400
Newfoundland & Labrador Bay Roberts 21,186,423 44,803,857
Nova Scotia Lower West Pubnico 16,665,528 40,352,842
British Columbia Vancouver 42,560,276 37,954,963
Nova Scotia Shelburne 24,232,406 36,187,614
British Columbia Prince Rupert 16,132,697 31,765,520
Nova Scotia North Sydney 14,802,794 30,009,438
Newfoundland & Labrador St. Anthony 17,413,433 28,986,271
Nova Scotia Yarmouth 31,341,759 28,963,038
Newfoundland & Labrador Bay Roberts 28,297,714 57,421,214
Newfoundland & Labrador Harbour Grace 25,698,514 54,240,697
British Columbia Vancouver 40,522,081 44,690,124
British Columbia Port Hardy 37,075,288 44,157,295
New Brunswick Shippagan 11,128,034 40,596,816
Nova Scotia Lower West Pubnico 17,480,837 39,660,630
Nova Scotia Shelburne 25,293,443 37,311,310
Newfoundland & Labrador St. Anthony 24,548,282 37,144,094
British Columbia Prince Rupert 17,929,381 31,097,484
Newfoundland & Labrador St. John's 10,687,594 31,024,801
Newfoundland & Labrador Harbour Grace 24,219,249 63,208,106
Nova Scotia Lower West Pubnico 19,536,742 41,294,689
Nova Scotia Shelburne 27,254,914 41,231,313
Newfoundland & Labrador Bay Roberts 15,808,916 39,180,324
British Columbia Vancouver 36,858,008 38,592,677
British Columbia Port Hardy 26,145,466 32,438,517
British Columbia Prince Rupert 13,202,394 31,738,136
New Brunswick Shippagan 9,336,861 31,544,716
Newfoundland & Labrador St. Anthony 20,619,189 29,521,215
Newfoundland & Labrador Argentia 17,255,145 27,471,790

Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

3.1.15 Number of active vessels by length, province and region1, 2006-2008
  Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I. Gulf Quebec Newfoundland and Labrador Total Atlantic Region2 British Columbia/ Pacific Region Total Canada
Gulf Maritimes Gulf Maritimes
Unknown Length 2 1 2 1 5 2 0 9 1 10
1' - 34'11" 171 1,053 237 35 39 563 5,305 7,338 816 8,154
35' - 44'11" 613 1,801 1,192 288 1,359 495 555 6,042 999 7,041
45' - 64'11" 9 150 82 37 5 191 501 936 296 1,232
65' - 99'11" 4 29 27 7 0 14 16 72 139 211
100' + 1 34 2 2 0 0 26 58 12 70
Total 800 3,068 1,542 370 1,408 1,265 6,403 14,434 2,263 16,697
Unknown Length 1 1 4 1 3 2 0 8 2 10
1' - 34'11" 171 1,006 260 31 43 582 5,610 7,629 684 8,313
35' - 44'11" 567 1,768 1,187 293 1,347 517 558 6,027 889 6,916
45' - 64'11" 6 135 88 35 5 189 508 929 275 1,204
65' - 99'11" 2 32 26 8 0 15 17 76 120 196
100' + 1 32 2 2 0 0 25 56 11 67
Total 748 2,974 1,567 370 1,398 1,305 6,718 14,702 1,981 16,683
Unknown Length 2 1 5 1 2 2 0 9 2 11
1' - 34'11" 155 1,065 226 32 29 545 5,288 7,287 564 7,851
35' - 44'11" 581 1,796 1,177 283 1,309 509 556 6,006 754 6,760
45' - 64'11" 7 121 87 34 6 191 473 888 248 1,136
65' - 99'11" 2 29 24 8 0 22 17 76 110 186
100' + 0 27 0 2 0 0 21 49 10 59
Total 747 3,039 1,519 360 1,346 1,269 6,355 14,296 1,688 15,984

1. The sum of active vessels by province/region may not add up to the Atlantic or Canada total due to vessels landing in more than one province.
2. Atlantic region pertains to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) definition and includes the following provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. These provinces are delineated to further define the four DFO regions in Atlantic: Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Gulf (Northeast Nova Scotia, Eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island), and Maritimes (Southern New Brunswick, Southwest Nova Scotia, Eastern Nova Scotia) regions.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

3.1.16 Average value of landings by vessel length, province and region, 2006-2008
  Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I. Gulf Quebec Newfoundland and Labrador Total Atlantic Region1 British Columbia/ Pacific Region Total Canada
Gulf Maritimes Gulf Maritimes
Unknown Length2 1,649,531 5,118,870 3,187,133 1,692,686 2,553,948 3,067,564 0 3,932,194 18,528,294 5,391,804
1' - 34'11" 47,622 74,926 23,373 49,512 20,335 39,060 17,184 28,380 58,488 31,393
35' - 44'11" 75,325 186,104 53,552 129,201 94,034 88,078 99,540 117,350 99,092 114,759
45' - 64'11" 326,594 345,906 319,826 185,113 124,294 246,134 293,189 301,732 287,630 298,344
65' - 99'11" 151,598 695,250 316,713 258,930 0 274,022 568,518 612,014 498,983 537,553
100' + 6,120 3,328,301 105,743 880,908 0 0 6,631,209 4,957,812 2,331,444 4,507,578
Total 76,461 197,001 71,813 137,998 100,836 96,895 74,153 108,385 153,655 114,657
Unknown Length2 2,533,293 4,716,152 1,509,896 1,339,937 3,307,691 3,853,956 0 4,032,494 9,665,866 5,159,168
1' - 34'11" 49,127 83,706 22,995 50,675 20,476 39,754 18,149 29,623 57,011 31,876
35' - 44'11" 98,339 170,944 60,553 110,895 97,641 106,968 126,300 119,405 90,042 115,631
45' - 64'11" 362,089 410,829 494,273 203,468 338,155 325,445 362,884 382,989 244,153 351,278
65' - 99'11" 263,504 669,507 439,611 508,113 0 342,421 445,659 659,981 468,031 542,460
100' + 13,280 3,754,152 274,435 782,422 0 0 6,775,866 5,208,152 1,937,497 4,671,179
Total 92,787 197,772 88,940 130,146 103,016 117,083 79,430 113,788 142,853 117,396
Unknown Length2 1,248,502 10,050,167 1,330,196 1,939,733 3,059,104 3,522,511 0 3,811,235 6,315,206 4,266,502
1' - 34'11" 46,387 75,226 22,616 64,999 22,909 37,373 18,124 29,006 64,051 31,524
35' - 44'11" 87,052 187,068 54,795 129,637 89,144 98,566 130,738 121,093 96,874 118,392
45' - 64'11" 279,441 481,237 401,077 190,862 105,185 304,506 418,271 403,381 225,492 364,546
65' - 99'11" 266,846 595,847 354,918 177,364 0 263,282 529,761 559,847 484,681 515,394
100' + 0 4,176,286 0 724,205 0 0 7,347,416 5,479,671 1,567,661 4,816,618
Total 84,008 202,175 78,781 139,065 92,201 111,534 83,348 114,719 146,156 118,176

1. Atlantic region pertains to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) definition and includes the following provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. These provinces are delineated to further define the four DFO regions in Atlantic: Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Gulf (Northeast Nova Scotia, Eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island), and Maritimes (Southern New Brunswick, Southwest Nova Scotia, Eastern Nova Scotia) regions.
2. Includes landings reported for non-vessel based fishing activivty.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

3.2.1 Freshwater fisheries landed volume and value by species and province, 2006-2008
  2006 2007 2008
Vol (t) Val ('000) Vol (t) Val ('000) Vol (t) Val ('000)
New Brunswick
Alewife 941 207 941 207 941 207
Eel 49 279 49 279 49 279
Shad 14 12 14 12 14 12
Sturgeon 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Fish 0 0 0 0 0 0
New Brunswick Total 1,004 498 1,004 498 1,004 498
Eel 109 762 109 762 109 762
Smelt 47 57 47 57 47 57
Lake Sturgeon 70 253 70 253 70 253
Atlantic Sturgeon 38 229 38 229 38 229
Catfish 316 273 316 273 316 273
Yellow Pickerel
Perch 37 190 37 190 37 190
Carp 46 16 46 16 46 16
Sucker (Mullet) 5 2 5 2 5 2
Other Fish 129 248 129 248 129 248
Quebec Total 797 2,030 797 2,030 797 2,030
Eel 0 0 0 0 0 0
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shad 0 0 0 0 1 0
Smelt 872 411 4,343 2,216 3,604 1,827
White Bass 1,019 1,687 1,421 2,020 1,869 2,322
Sturgeon 4 20 4 20 5 23
Whitefish 2,070 3,890 1,835 4,064 2,218 5,480
Catfish 12 8 12 10 10 8
Burbot 0 0 1 0 0 0
Tullibee1 211 210 176 207 192 213
Lake Trout 227 205 214 220 208 216
Yellow Pickerel 3,878 12,017 2,634 9,997 2,280 8,783
Pike 19 20 33 27 20 18
Perch 5,123 17,644 3,935 13,093 3,399 8,142
Carp 19 9 13 7 8 4
Sucker (Mullet) 1 0 5 1 11 3
Sauger 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rock Bass 11 11 10 19
Sunfish 109 216 89 228 78 193
Other Fish 173 93 116 68 113 63
Ontario Total 13,737 36,430 14,844 32,188 14,027 27,315
Whitefish 1,361 1,639 1,852 2,358 979 1,150
Tullibee1 2 5 2 9 0 1
Yellow Pickerel 34 84 29 65 31 72
Pike 28 16 40 22 18 15
Perch 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Fish 32 4 0 0 2 3
Alberta Total 1,457 1,748 1,922 2,454 1,030 1,240
Whitefish 2,054 2,363 1,820 2,104 2,069 2,863
Tullibee1 63 45 80 60 66 44
Lake Trout 40 30 40 29 55 39
Yellow Pickerel 5,829 18,849 5,914 19,168 5,522 18,243
Pike 1,099 694 1,265 790 1,533 1,295
Perch 148 475 216 676 277 812
Carp 366 171 304 172 204 102
Sucker (Mullet) 1,808 623 1,250 460 1,467 557
Sauger 172 491 105 298 215 739
Other Fish 54 78 39 76 21 52
Manitoba Total 11,632 23,818 11,032 23,833 11,428 24,745
Whitefish 1,125 794 839 592 958 937
Tullibee1 2 1 4 2 25 13
Lake Trout 295 192 180 125 238 157
Yellow Pickerel 475 1,497 392 1,253 445 1,511
Pike 391 217 344 187 369 269
Sucker (Mullet) 500 139 377 117 415 148
Other Fish 1 3 1 3 1 4
Saskatchewan Total 2,788 2,843 2,137 2,279 2,451 3,039
Northwest Territories
Whitefish 488 461 302 306 274 347
Lake Trout 39 20 19 11 21 12
Yellow Pickerel 29 87 15 45 11 34
Pike 34 18 16 8 11 9
Arctic Char
Other Fish 24 25 10 11 10 11
Northwest Territories Total 614 610 362 380 327 413
All Provinces
Tomcod 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alewife 941 207 941 207 941 207
Eel 158 1,041 158 1,041 158 1,041
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shad 14 12 14 12 15 12
Smelt 920 467 4,390 2,273 3,651 1,884
White Bass 1,019 1,687 1,421 2,020 1,869 2,322
Sturgeon 113 502 112 502 114 505
Whitefish 7,098 9,145 6,648 9,423 6,497 10,777
Catfish 327 281 327 283 326 281
Burbot 0 0 1 0 0 0
Tullibee1 278 261 262 279 284 271
Lake Trout 600 447 453 384 522 424
Yellow Pickerel 10,245 32,534 8,984 30,528 8,288 28,643
Pike 1,572 965 1,697 1,035 1,951 1,605
Perch 5,307 18,308 4,188 13,958 3,713 9,144
Carp 431 197 362 194 259 122
Sucker (Mullet) 2,313 764 1,637 580 1,898 710
Sauger 172 491 105 298 215 739
Rock Bass 0 0 11 11 10 19
Sunfish 109 216 89 228 78 193
Arctic Char 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Fish 412 450 294 406 275 380
Grand Total 32,029 67,977 32,097 63,662 31,063 59,279

1. Includes Lake Herring, Chub and Cisco.
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics.

3.3.1 Value and volume of Canadian aquaculture production1, 2006-2008
  2006 2007 2008
Vol (t) Val ($'000) Vol (t) Val ($'000) Vol (t) Val ($'000)
Salmon2 118,061 748,246 102,509 604,917 104,075 624,582
Trout2 4,374 19,743 5,044 23,570 7,785 40,330
Steelhead2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other finfish3 9,632 64,771 7,745 54,877 1,177 7,227
Total finfish 132,067 832,760 115,297 683,364 113,041 673,739
Molluscs and crustaceans
Clams 1,707 8,906 1,869 9,713 1,628 8,614
Oysters 13,200 19,063 11,065 16,726 8,989 13,502
Mussels 23,876 35,817 23,835 33,940 19,927 27,322
Scallops 60 519 168 1,074 285 1,327
Other Shellfish 719 7,530 241 7,872 131 6,376
Total shellfish 39,562 71,835 37,178 69,326 30,960 57,141
Total aquaculture 171,629 904,595 152,475 752,690 155,546 794,000
Re-stocking4 808 8,388 585 8,880 385 7,273
Total aquaculture (including re-stocking)4 172,437 912,983 153,060 761,570 155,931 801,273

The production and value of aquaculture includes the amount and value produced on sites and excludes hatcheries or processing. Shellfish also includes some wild production. The data, collected from each of the provincial departments responsible for aquaculture.
1. Provinces with data not available are not included in the Canada totals.
2. Excludes other finfish for all provinces except Quebec beginning in 2006.
3. Other finfish data is only available at the Canada level and includes confidential data from the provinces.
4. Sales to outfitters: operations offering lodging and services for hunting, fishing and trapping.
Source: Statistics Canada, 2010, Aquaculture Statistics 2009, Catalogue no. 23-222-XIE.

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