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Appendix IV: Employment, GDP and licences

Appendix IVa: Contribution of Fisheries to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Industry and Province (millions 2007 chained dollars), 2009-2011
Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping (NAICS 114) Seafood product preparation
and packaging (NAICS 3117)
All goods-producing
2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012
Newfoundland and Labrador 238 242 249 .. $172 $241 283 .. 12,258 13,412 13,789 ..
Prince Edward Island 71 68 63 .. $38 $40 46 .. 971 989 995 ..
Nova Scotia 394 435 464 .. $175 $202 228 .. 6,708 6,894 6,768 ..
New Brunswick 120 111 118 .. $167 $233 226 .. 6,542 7,024 6,859 ..
Quebec 80 75 74 .. $89 $109 106 .. 82,038 84,075 85,025 ..
Ontario 24 20 16 .. $52 $46 35 .. 120,323 128,192 130,454 ..
Manitoba 7 8 8 .. x x x .. 13,797 14,241 14,135 ..
Saskatchewan 2 2 1 .. $0 $0 0 .. 21,330 22,811 24,270 ..
Alberta 1 1 1 .. $0 $0 0 .. 108,994 117,688 126,046 ..
British Columbia 146 139 142 .. x x x .. 42,225 44,236 46,137 ..
Yukon x x x .. .. 609 697 800 ..
Northwest Territories x x x .. .. 1,463 1,491 1,319 ..
Nunavut 3 3 4 .. x x x .. 255 439 486 ..
Canada2 1,086 1,096 1,126 $1,162 $843 $1,013 1,092 1,077 417,055 443,465 459,002 466,692

.. - unavailable
x - confidential
1 Statistics Canada. Table 379-0030 - Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), provinces and territories, annual (dollars), CANSIM (database).
2 Statistics Canada. Table 379-0031 - Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (dollars), CANSIM (database).

Appendix IVb: Fishing-Related Employment by Industry and Province, 2009-201 2
Primary Sector (Harvesting)1 Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging (Processing)2 Aquaculture3 Total Employment (Primary Harvesting, Processing and Aquaculture)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012
NL 11,726 11,005 10,839 10,116 7,361 7,873 8,444 9,080 320 350 310 375 19,407 19,228 19,593 19,571
PEI 4,532 4,446 4,729 4,446 1,625 2,126 2,395 F 425 371 370 395 6,582 6,943 7,264 4,841
NS 13,721 13,620 13,686 13,746 5,682 6,338 6,689 7,074 250 219 240 230 19,653 20,177 20,625 21,050
NB 6,159 6,020 6,055 5,929 7,443 7,770 8,144 8,627 680 754 670 600 14,282 14,544 14,869 15,156
QC 3,495 3,275 3,330 3,451 1,168 1,259 1,388 1,483 129 110 115 110 4,792 4,644 4,833 5,044
ON 1,200 1,200 1,200   623 901 1,001 919 130 95 95 120 1,953 2,196 2,296 1,039
MB 1,979 1,914 1,813   x x x x 1,979 1,914 1,813 0
SK 1,728 1523 1491   F F x x 1,728 1,523 1,491 0
AB 156 156 156   F F F x 156 156 156 0
BC 6,065 6,171 6,121 5,562 x x x 3,138 1,650 1,476 1,492 1,405 7,715 7,647 7,611 10,105
Yukon   .. .. 0 0 0 0
NWT 108 79 74   .. .. 108 79 74 0
NT 145 117 115   .. .. 145 117 115 0
Canada  51,014 49,526 49,609P 43,250 27,305 29,599 31,611 33,034 3,584 3,375 3,292 3,235 81,903 82,500 84,512 79,519

.. - Not available
… - Not applicable
x - Confidential
F - Unreliable
1 Preliminary. Estimates are based on the number of core and non-core commercial marine fish harvesters, crew members and commercial freshwater fish harvesters.
2Statistics Canada. Table 301-0006 - Principal statistics for manufacturing industries, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (dollars unless otherwise noted), CANSIM (database).
3 Statistics Canada, Survey of Aquaculture Industry, unpublished

Appendix IVc: Commercial Marine Fisheries by Core and Non-Core Fish Harvesters1, Atlantic Canada, 2008-2010
Province Nova Scotia New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Quebec NL Total
DFO Region2 Maritimes Gulf Total Maritimes Gulf Total Gulf  Quebec NL
Core 2,842 641 3,483 337 1,246 1,583 1,299 1,076 4,073 11,514
Non-Core 2,201 11 2,212 454 42 496 6 332 830 3,876
Coastal & Estuarial 0 159 159 0 1,026 1,026 1,307 0 0 2,492
Total 5,043 811 5,854 791 2,314 3,105 2,612 1,408 4,903 17,882
Core 386 33 419 30 44 74 59 20 219 791
Independent Core 2,557 630 3,187 328 1,222 1,550 1,258 1,036 3,671 10,702
Non-Core 2,168 13 2,181 429 41 470 6 106 849 3,612
Other 161 161 1,038 1,038 1,324 202 0 2,725
Total 5,111 837 5,948 787 2,345 3,132 2,647 1,364 4,739 17,830
Core 393 22 415 30 33 63 49 12 158 697
Independent Core 2,685 631 3,316 332 1,219 1,551 1,263 1,031 3,648 10,809
Non-Core 2,227 12 2,239 430 41 471 8 103 830 3,651
Other 159 159 1,006 1,006 1,310 165 0 2,640
Total 5,305 824 6,129 792 2,299 3,091 2,630 1,311 4,636 17,797

1 A fish harvester is categorized as core when he or she meets the following licensing criteria for inshore vessel-based fishing licenses: he or she is head of the enterprise or fishing unit, holds key licenses, have an attachment to the fishery, and is dependent on the fishery. The Independent Core category is an eligibility criteria for the receipt of new or replacement inshore vessel-based licenses. A non-core harvester does not meet those criteria.
2 The four DFO regions in Atlantic Canada are: Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Gulf (Northeast Nova Scotia, Eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island), and Maritimes (Southern New Brunswick, Southwest Nova Scotia, Eastern Nova Scotia). This table does not include crew members.
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics

Appendix IVd: Number of Licences by Fishery Type, Atlantic Canada, 2008-2010
Province Nova Scotia  New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Quebec  N.L. Total
DFO Region1 Maritimes Gulf Total Maritimes Gulf Total Gulf Quebec N.L. Total
Groundfish 2,601 337 2,938 215 668 883 882 947 4,591 10,241
Herring 1,578 428 2,006 127 1,192 1,319 866 1,067 2,365 7,623
Mackerel 1,842 651 2,493 36 1,281 1,317 1,281 801 2,738 8,630
Swordfish 909 191 1,100 9 0 9 167 0 2 1,278
Tuna 125 125 250 1 108 109 359 52 57 827
Salmon 0 5 5 0 8 8 0 0 70 83
Capelin 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 74 1,937 2,013
Clam 1 121 122 0 735 735 1,678 309 0 2,844
Scallop 294 131 425 213 249 462 398 80 898 2,263
Squid 257 389 646 1 6 7 268 20 2,760 3,701
Lobster 2,673 667 3,340 326 1,343 1,669 1,294 637 2,889 9,829
Shrimp 57 1 58 9 30 39 2 49 446 594
Crab 266 294 560 13 240 253 148 172 3,407 4,540
Other 79 2,635 2,714 34 5,767 5,801 8,734 1,782 17,775 36,806
Groundfish 2,477 335 2,812 204 661 865 889 926 4,398 9,890
Herring 1,583 432 2,015 401 1,182 1,583 869 1,040 2,372 7,879
Mackerel 1,987 668 2,655 76 1,268 1,344 1,280 789 2,670 8,738
Swordfish 893 191 1,084 10 10 167 0 2 1,263
Tuna 131 125 256 2 108 110 359 53 58 836
Salmon 0 5 5 3 8 11 0 65 81
Capelin 0 0 0 2 2 73 1,934 2,009
Clam 958 120 1,078 463 1,028 1,491 1,667 254 2 4,492
Scallop 287 199 486 203 266 469 574 80 893 2,502
Squid 244 391 635 1 6 7 267 23 2,615 3,547
Lobster 2,891 674 3,565 410 1,330 1,740 1,311 628 2,880 10,124
Shrimp & temp allocation 56 1 57 8 36 44 2 56 461 620
Crab 260 285 545 10 241 251 147 239 3,455 4,637
Other 4,729 1,735 6,464 426 3,708 4,134 6,927 1,726 21,717 40,968
Groundfish 2,444 335 2,779 199 660 859 889 919 4,306 9,752
Herring 1,546 432 1,978 385 1,178 1,563 869 1,026 2,350 7,786
Mackerel 1,951 669 2,620 73 1,265 1,338 1,279 792 2,618 8,647
Swordfish 875 189 1,064 9 9 165 0 2 1,240
Tuna 137 125 262 2 108 110 369 52 57 850
Salmon 11 5 16 10 8 18 0 63 97
Capelin 0 0 0 2 2 72 1,920 1,994
Clam 937 119 1,056 445 1,020 1,465 1,663 232 2 4,418
Scallop 290 201 491 205 268 473 575 80 880 2,499
Squid 237 393 630 1 6 7 264 22 2,531 3,454
Lobster 2,895 671 3,566 414 1,328 1,742 1,287 617 2,866 10,078
Shrimp & temp allocation 52 1 53 8 36 44 2 59 461 619
Crab 262 276 538 9 226 235 142 244 3,445 4,604
Other 4,680 1,745 6,425 404 3,699 4,103 6,875 1,689 21,577 40,669

1 The four DFO regions in Atlantic Canada are: Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Gulf (Northeast Nova Scotia, Eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island), and Maritimes (Southern New Brunswick, Southwest Nova Scotia, Eastern Nova Scotia).
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics

Appendix IVe: Number of Licences by Fishery Type and License Category, Pacific, 2008-2010
2008 2009 2010
  Full fee (gillnet and troll) 1,307 1,275 1,206
  Reduced fee (gillnet and troll) 184 179 167
  Full fee (seine) 221 210 198
  Native (seine) 18 18 16
  Northern Native Fishing Corporation 254 254 254
  Communal 236 284 379
  Salmon subtotal 2,220 2,220 2,220
Roe herring
  Full fee (gillnet) 916 898 887
  Reduced fee (gillnet) 323 309 309
  Full fee (seine) 196 196 195
  Reduced fee (seine) 52 52 52
  Communal 33 65 77
  Roe herring sub-total 1,520 1,520 1,520
Spawn on Kelp
  Full fee 36 36 36
  Reduced fee - - -
  Communal 3 3 3
  Spawn on kelp sub-total 39 39 39
Halibut 435 435 435
Groundfish trawl 142 142 141
Shrimp trawl 245 244 244
Shrimp trap 252 252 250
Sablefish 48 48 48
Geoduck 55 55 55
Schedule II species1 491 479 470
Crab 222 221 221
Green sea urchin 49 49 49
Red sea urchin 110 110 110
Sea cucumber 85 85 85
Euphausiid 16 19 19
Rockfish 262 262 262
Abalone - - -
Transport 82 68 74
Processing - - -
Special fisheries 120 47 106
Clam (limited entry licence) 1,096 1,102 1,102
High Sea Tranship 4 2 4

1 Schedule II species include spiny dogfish (hook and line), skate (hook and line), sole and flounder (hook and line), lingcod (hook and line), Pacific cod (hook and like), tuna (hook and line, purse seine or gill net), sturgeon (trolling), smelt (gill net).
Source: DFO, Economic Analysis and Statistics

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