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Species information

Number of species licences issued by province and region, 2022
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I.
Quebec Newfoundland Total
Maritimes Gulf Maritimes Gulf
Groundfish 2,074 322 176 595 823 704 2,951 7,645
Herring 1,499 420 247 1,041 861 782 1,860 6,710
MackerelFootnote 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Swordfish 852 182 8 0 157 0 0 1,199
Tuna 153 125 2 91 359 52 39 821
Salmon 0 3 1 0 0 0 31 35
Capelin 0 0 0 2 0 61 1,465 1,528
Clam 711 103 319 1,018 1,761 213 0 4,125
Scallop 270 130 203 239 394 87 704 2,027
Squid 389 379 4 4 263 14 2,056 3,109
Lobster 2,620 579 319 1,133 1,208 570 2,173 8,602
Shrimp 51 0 9 24 1 49 234 368
Crab 331 251 10 176 112 475 2,354 3,709
Other 1,309 723 239 2,337 3,771 1,018 5,766 15,163
Total Atlantic 10,259 3,217 1,537 6,660 9,710 4,025 19,633 55,041

Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Fisheries Management


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