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2000 Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada

Additional Questions by Jurisdiction - Alberta

Of the days fished, how many were spent fishing:
Option Resident Nonresident
In rivers and streams 792,163 13,544 31,266 836,973
In open waters 1,608,698 18,976 21,598 1,649,272
On ice 435,105 4,205 168 439,478
In stocked areas 661,637 8,484 7,089 677,209
Total days fished 2,821,905 37,059 52,864 2,911,829

In which Watershed Unit did you fish for stocked trout in 2000?
Option Resident Nonresident
Eastern Slopes Zone 1 19,889 633 454 20,975
Eastern Slopes Zone 2 13,833 112 286 14,230
Eastern Slopes Zone 3 9,690 37 118 9,845
Eastern Slopes Zone 4 5,256 112 50 5,418
Parkland Prairie Zone 1 12,851 335 345 13,531
Parkland Prairie Zone 2 26,855 484 75 27,414
Northern Boreal Zone 1 5,702 112 404 6,217
Northern Boreal Zone 2 12,865 149 84 13,098
Northern Boreal Zone 3 6,940 260 185 7,385
Northern Boreal Zone 4 2,976 - 185 3,161
Anglers fishing stocked trout 90,286 2,009 1,757 94,052
Total days fished 661,637 8,484 7,089 677,209
Average days fished 7.3 4.2 4 7.2

How many fish did you release on a mandatory basis?
Response Resident Nonresident
Mandatory Release 3,466,416 38,920 77,653 3,582,989
Average 23 7.9 11.6 22.1
Number of Anglers 150,577 4,912 6,696 162,184
Total Caught 11,813,003 118,136 488,763 12,419,902
Total Kept 1,919,798 14,883 17,726 1,952,407

Of the fish you kept, what percentage was (residents only):
Option Percentage
Eaten 81
Given away 6.1
Discarded 0.7
No response 12.2

How satisfied were you with the quality of your fishing experience in Alberta?
Response Resident Nonresident
No response 7,864 186 404 8,453
Satisfied 110,351 4,614 6,402 121,366
Unsatisfied 43,442 335 756 44,533
No opinion 20,387 856 361 21,605
Total 182,044 5,991 7,923 195,957

Which of the following sources of information did you use when planning your fishing trip? (Non-residents only) (average rating: 1 - did not use; 2 - sometimes; 3 - often)
Option Nonresident
Internet 1.3 1.6 1.4
Newspaper 1.3 1.4 1.4
Tackle shops 1.5 1.7 1.7
Outdoor shows 1.1 1.2 1.1
Travel agent 1 1.1 1
Associations 1.1 1 1
Friends/Family 2.5 2.2 2.3
Radio/TV ads 1.1 1.1 1.1
TV fishing shows 1.2 1.2 1.2
Licence issuer 1.2 1.4 1.3
Area office 1.1 1.3 1.2
Regulations guide 1.4 1.6 1.5
Other 1.1 1.1 1.1

Did Resident Anglers Participate in Derbies or Tournaments (residents only)?
Response Anglers
No response 7,084
Yes 10,650
No 164,311
Total 182,045

Number of derbies and tournaments and how many days (residents only).
Response Derbies Tournaments
Number 10,191 2,805
Days 15,737 6,144

How would you rate the importance of the trout stocking program in Alberta (residents only)?
Response Anglers
No response 2,154
Very important 90,183
Important 75,498
Not important 14,672
No opinion 19,607
Total 202,114

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