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2007 Survey of the Recreational Cod Fishery of Newfoundland and Labrador

Appendix C - Supplementary Tables – Information Only 

Table C.1 : Number of days fished for cod, by Bay/Coastal area, by residence area, anglers 16 years of age and older.
Bay/Coastal area Residence area
Avalon Burin-South Coast West NL- N. Peninsula Central-NE Coast Bonavista-Trinity Labrador Total
Trinity Bay 47,037 286 23 839 24,187 242 72,615
Notre Dame Bay 5,282 43 398 36,656 732 85 43,196
Bonavista Bay 3,705 208 243 2,823 26,970 711 34,660
Conception Bay 26,998 - 254 2,576 134 271 30,232
Eastern Avalon 22,102 246 28 - - - 22,376
Fortune Bay 865 7,763 - 703 - - 9,331
Placentia Bay 5,192 3,869 151 - - - 9,213
Green Bay - - 108 8,450 - 285 8,844
White Bay - 21 3,213 3,623 - 85 6,942
Bay of Exploits 260 - 595 5,945 98 28 6,926
Strait of Belle Isle - 21 617 299 - 3,236 4,173
Bay of Islands 156 - 3,814 - - 85 4,056
S&E of Port aux Basques 519 3,258 - - - - 3,777
Labrador Coast - - 46 54 - 2,671 2,770
Northern Peninsula 4R - 170 2,437 - - - 2,607
South Coast 87 2,298 23 - - - 2,407
St. Mary's Bay 2,232 - - - - - 2,232
Hare Bay - - 1,726 337 - - 2,062
Northern Peninsula 3K 156 - 1,807 - - - 1,962
St. George's Bay - - 1,891 - - - 1,891
Bonne Bay - - 1,708 - - - 1,708
Hermitage Bay - 1,098 - 324 - - 1,422
Port au Port Bay 87 - 842 - - - 929
Baie d'Espoir - 779 - - - - 779
W&N of Port aux Basques - 276 214 - - - 490
Total 114,677 20,335 20,137 62,629 52,121 7,700 277,599

Table C.2 Number of cod caught, by Bay/Coastal area, by residence area, anglers 16 years of age and older.
Bay/Coastal area Residence area
Avalon Burin-South Coast West NL- N. Peninsula Central-NE Coast Bonavista-Trinity Labrador Total
Trinity Bay 200,830 395 114 3,501 102,643 677 308,160
Notre Dame Bay 14,718 128 1,738 140,561 3,417 284 160,846
Bonavista Bay 11,045 1,528 564 14,170 126,439 3,981 157,726
Conception Bay 97,603 - 761 13,455 814 953 113,587
Eastern Avalon 93,224 1,040 138 - - - 94,402
Placentia Bay 22,968 21,895 302 - - - 45,165
Fortune Bay 4,066 28,999 - 3,515 - - 36,580
Green Bay - - 270 32,481 - 811 33,562
White Bay - 106 12,094 15,645 - 142 27,987
Bay of Exploits 2,163 - 649 20,232 342 284 23,670
S&E of Port aux Basques 2,595 14,807 - - - - 17,402
Strait of Belle Isle - 106 2,154 1,081 - 13,253 16,594
Bay of Islands 779 - 11,818 - - 341 12,939
South Coast 433 10,965 114 - - - 11,512
Northern Peninsula 4R - 851 10,600 - - - 11,450
Labrador Coast - - 229 270 - 10,463 10,962
Hare Bay - - 7,936 962 - - 8,898
Northern Peninsula 3K - - 8,599 - - - 8,599
St. George's Bay - - 6,795 - - - 6,795
Hermitage Bay - 5,292 - 1,081 - - 6,373
Port au Port Bay - - 3,867 - - - 3,867
Bonne Bay - - 3,729 - - - 3,729
St. Mary's Bay 3,287 - - - - - 3,287
Baie d'Espoir - 2,581 - - - - 2,581
W&N of Port aux Basques - 936 1,022 - - - 1,958
Total 453,712 89,630 73,495 246,953 233,655 31,190 1,128,635

Table C.3 Cod fishing activity, by NAFO sub-division, by residence area, anglers 16 years of age and older.
NAFO Sub-Division Residence area
Avalon Burin-South Coast West NL- N. Peninsula Central-NE Coast Bonavista-Trinity Labrador Total
  Days fished - - 46 54 - 2,671 2,770
   average - - 2.0 1.0 - 2.8 2.6
  Cod caught - - 229 270 - 10,463 10,962
  average - - 10.0 5.0 - 10.8 10.5
  Anglers - - 23 54 - 969 1,046
  Days fished 5,697 64 7,847 55,011 830 485 69,933
  average 4.6 1.0 4.4 4.2 3.4 2.5 4.2
  Cod caught 16,880 234 31,288 209,881 3,759 1,522 263,564
  average 13.7 3.7 17.4 16.2 15.4 7.9 16.0
  Anglers 1,229 64 1,801 12,966 244 192 16,495
  Days fished 102,074 740 548 6,238 51,291 1,224 162,115
  average 4.3 4.7 3.1 5.0 5.0 4.1 4.5
  Cod caught 405,990 2,963 1,578 31,125 229,896 5,611 677,164
  average 17.1 18.8 8.9 24.8 22.2 18.8 18.8
  Anglers 23,766 158 177 1,256 10,355 299 36,011
  Days fished 519 3,258 - - - - 3,777
  average 6.0 3.7 - - - - 3.9
  Cod caught 2,595 14,807 - - - - 17,402
  average 29.8 16.9 - - - - 18.0
  Anglers 87 878 - - - - 965
  Days fished 6,144 15,806 174 1,027 - - 23,151
  average 3.3 4.2 2.4 5.0 - - 3.9
  Cod caught 27,467 69,733 416 4,596 - - 102,211
  average 14.7 18.6 5.7 22.5 - - 17.4
  Anglers 1,869 3,742 73 204 - - 5,889
  Days fished 242 468 11,523 299 . 3,321 15,853
  average 1.0 4.4 3.0 2.2 - 5.0 3.1
  Cod caught 779 1,893 39,984 1,081 . 13,594 57,332
  average 3.2 17.9 10.3 7.9 - 20.3 11.4
  Anglers 242 106 3,882 137 - 670 5,037


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