Recreational fishing for the Great Lakes
Selected Results for the Great Lakes Fishery
- 2005 Selected Results for the Great Lakes Fishery
The 2005 Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada collected information about recreational fishing activities to assess the economic and social importance of recreational fisheries to Canada's provinces and territories. Using the Ontario subset of this national data, information specific to the Great Lakes has been developed in order to determine the importance of this particular recreational fishery. It is at this time the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of statistics regarding the harvest, retention, and economics of recreational angling on the Great Lakes.
- 2000 Selected Results for the Great Lakes Fishery
Information on angling in Canada has been collected at five-year intervals since 1975. Since 1980, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission has requested that information specific to the Great Lakes system be developed in order that they could determine the economic importance of this fishery. This request was made of both the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior since national surveys were being conducted by both agencies.
- 1995 Selected Results for the Great Lakes Fishery
- 1990 Selected Results for the Great Lakes Fishery
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