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Information Management

Generally, there are four categories of documents in the Minister’s Office:

Managing information at DFO: Ministers’ Office

Information is organized into four categories: Cabinet Documents, Institutional Records, Personal and Political Records, and Ministerial Records.
Each category of information must be managed separately.

Cabinet documents

Can include: memoranda to cabinet (MCs), cabinet committee reports, records of decisions, presentations, agendas, and Treasury Board documents such as submissions, briefing notes (précis), and letters of decisions.

Storage, handling and care:

When leaving office / changing portfolio: All documents must go back to the Privy Council Office or Treasury Board Secretariat as appropriate.

Ministerial records Official information resources pertaining to the Office of the Minister, other than Cabinet, institutional, or personal and political records

Can include: Staff annotated copies of briefing notes used as reference and administrative records pertaining solely to the Minister’s Office or duties and not the institution.

Storage, handling and care:

When leaving office / changing portfolio: Can’t be destroyed or disposed of without the consent of the Librarian and Archivist of Canada.

Institutional records Relate to the business of the department and may be created or received by the department or the Minister’s Office

Can include: Briefing notes, Departmental Performance Reports, Report on Plans and Priorities, transition binders, speeches, question period cards, material to support parliamentary committee appearances, etc.

Storage, handling and care:

When leaving office / changing portfolio: These documents stay with the Department, are maintained by the Ministerial Correspondence Unit at DFO and are disposed of according to Library and Archives guidelines.

Personal and political records Minister's private property

Can include: Documents related to business of a political party (including elections, leadership races, party organizations, caucus), information related to constituency business or work as an MP, and records relating to the private life of the Minister.

Storage, handling and care:

When leaving office / changing portfolio: The Minister can take these records with her/him and has the option to use storage and preservation services offered by Library and Archives Canada.

For questions about the handling any of the above types of information or for guidance in transferring information to Library and Archives Canada, contact Eric St-Clair – Head of Document Management (NCR), 613- 297-2606 or Susan Mojgani – Director of Information Management, 613-993-1999

Library and Archives Canada Guidelines (PDF 188 KB)

TBS, Information Management in a Minister's Office (PDF 163 KB)


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