Book 2, Tab B4 - International Landscape and Key Events
On this page
- International context for DFO
- International engagement
- Engagement Mechanisms
- Objectives of international engagement
- International Fora
International context for DFO
Global Context
Effective Governance
- Multilateral collaboration to develop solutions for ocean health
- Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Life below water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
- Protection and restoration of the marine environment
Sustainable Ocean Wealth
- Development of blue/sustainable ocean economies guided by sustainable ocean plans
- Efforts to enhance straddling and high seas fish stock sustainability
Climate Change
- Significant role of the oceans in climate change mitigation
- Additional science required to underpin important decision-making
Safe and secure marine environment
- International standards and practices that promote safety at sea.
- Increased environmental response coordination
Legal Context
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982)
UN Fish Stocks
United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (1995)
Regional fisheries
Regional Conventions and Agreements to regulate fishing (various)
Free trade agreements
E.g., Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) and legal obligations
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
E.g., Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)
International engagement
The Department works with international partners to advance fisheries and oceans interests as well as in the sphere of marine safety and security, through multilateral and bilateral engagements.
- Influence multilateral conservation efforts in support of domestic objectives
- Advocate for ambitious marine conservation targets (30 per cent by 2030)
- Work to address marine plastic pollution
- Maintain access to and sustainably manage international fisheries, and combat IUU fishing.
- Ensure fair and equitable access to global markets
- Support development of sustainable ocean plans to guide blue/sustainable ocean economies
- Sustainable aquaculture collaboration
- Protect the economic and environmental viability of oceans to uphold the international rules-based order
- Engage with international partners in scientific initiatives and research activities to support domestic and global policy making
Partner/stakeholder engagement
- Engage domestic and global partners and stakeholders on international issues
- Engage with international partners, bilaterally and multilaterally, on issues of joint concern.
- Ensure equitable and inclusive engagement
Marine safety and security
- Work within global organizations, e.g. International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA)
- Operational bilateral and regional engagements, e.g. Can-US Coast Guard Summit, North Pacific Coast Guard Forum, Arctic Coast Guard Forum Summit
- Inform and influence efforts of multilateral bodies, e.g. Arctic Council
Engagement Mechanisms
Multilateral International Organizations
- United Nations and associated bodies
- World Trade Organization (e.g., fish subsidies)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature
- Ocean science focused (e.g., ICES/PICES)
Regional Forum
- Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs)
- e.g., Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
- North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum; North Pacific Coast Guard Forum; Arctic Coast Guard Forum; Coast Guard Global Summit
Bilateral Meetings
- International counterparts
- Domestic stakeholders
- Environmental Non-governmental Organizations (ENGOs)
- CAN-US Coast Guard Summit
- CCG MOU with UK
- CCG MOU with Korea on personal exchange
- Cooperation arrangements with Norway and Denmark
Multilateral/Plurilateral Collaboration Mechanisms
- Commonwealth
- G7/G20
- High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
- Arctic Council
- Working with other government departments on cross-cutting issues, e.g., climate change; safety and security; and to encourage rules-based order
Objectives of international engagement
Marine Conservation and Restoration
Champion conservation measures that conserve biodiversity while also delivering climate, food, socioeconomic and cultural benefits
Increase Ocean Science
Working with global partners to increase innovative, solution-based science to build our collective understanding of the ocean and to inform policy and decision-making.
Sustainable Ocean/Blue Economies
Food security and socio-economic opportunities through sustainable ocean use, including management of fish stocks; Ensure fair and equitable access to global markets
Engage stakeholders
Build equitable and inclusive relationships with stakeholders and Indigenous peoples on international issues
Marine safety and security
Enhancing Canada’s ability and efficiency in responding to incidents in areas of joint responsibilities (Arctic, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Great Lakes), and influencing and abiding to international standards and practices in marine safety (International Maritime Organization).
International Fora
Key international fora of interest on the horizon:
- Canadian Leadership
- International Trade
- International Fisheries
- Stakeholder Engagement
Arctic Cooperation (CCG)
Virtual meeting from Ottawa, ON – November 2022
- Addressing issues of joint concern with Arctic partners
Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) Fisheries Agreement COP
Seoul, Korea – November 12 to 25, 2022
- To advance progress on negotiations related to the Central Arctic Ocean
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES) – COP 19
Panama – November 14 to 25, 2022
- A legally-binding convention focused on ensuring sustainable trade of species
UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (COP 27)
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt – November 7 to 18, 2022
- Action towards achieving the world's collective climate goals as agreed under the Paris Agreement and the Convention
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
Vale de Lobo, Portugal – November 13 to 21, 2022
- Negotiate and adopt management measures.
G20 Summit
Bali, Indonesia - November 15 to 16, 2022
- Canadian leadership on oceans issues
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
Da Nang, Vietnam – November 27 to December 4, 2022
- Negotiate and adopt measures for tuna and tuna-like stocks.
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15)
Montreal, Canada – December 7 to 19, 2022
- COP15 will focus on protecting nature and halting biodiversity loss around the world
Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC 5)
Vancouver, Canada – February 3 to 9, 2023
- Global ocean conservation, including marine protected areas
North Pacific Coast Guard Forum – Experts’ Meeting
Vancouver, Canada – April 2023
- Canada hosting the North Pacific Coast Guard forum Experts’ meeting; participation of Coast Guards of North Pacific nations.
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Ann Arbor, USA – November 30 to December 1, 2022
- Agree on the Commission’s budget and programming for the upcoming fiscal year.
Commonwealth Ministerial Meeting on the Sustainable Use of the Ocean
Cyprus – January 16 (TBD), 2023
- Sustainable use of ocean resources
Our Ocean Conference
Panama – March 2 to 3, 2023
- Global marine conservation and sustainable ocean economies
- Date modified: