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Book 1, Tab A3 – Department overview

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A mandate that directly impacts the day-to-day lives of Canadians and informs key decisions on a broad range of priorities

The Department's mandate facilitates positive change and achieves meaningful results that are felt across the country.

Supporting department priorities

Fisheries Management

Deciding who may access fisheries as a public resource, as well as where, when, and how many fish are harvested.


Taking action to conserve and protect species, ecosystems and the marine environments, including marine pollution response.

Economic prosperity

Working with fishers, coastal, and Indigenous communities to enable their continued prosperity from fish and seafood resources.


Making sure Canadians are able to safely use and travel our oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Indigenous Rights

Taking steps to further a constructive relationship with Indigenous peoples.


Advancing Canada's objectives and interests with international partners and on the world stage.

Departmental programs and services support four overarching priorities


Ensure Canada's fisheries, including aquaculture, are protected, managed sustainably, and support Indigenous participation, while ensuring a national network of harbours is open and in good repair.

Aquatic Ecosystems

Protecting oceans, freshwater, and aquatic ecosystems and species from negative human impact and invasive species through sound science and in collaboration with Indigenous communities.

Marine navigation

Maintain waterways year round so they are safely navigable by mariners and all Canadians.

Marine operations and response

Respond to maritime incidents, such as search-and-rescue and environmental emergencies, through our Coast Guard fleet and in collaboration with Indigenous communities

A highly operational and service-oriented department

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Day-to-day, DFO employees:

Canadian Coast Guard

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) is a special operating agency within Fisheries and Oceans Canada
CCG personnel:

A strong workforce possessing a range of skills and expertise

13,800 Full-Time Equivalents

The Department has approximately 13,800 full-time equivalents across Canada (including Coast Guard personnel).

Day-to-day operations rely on a strong workforce with a wide range of skills and expertise, including:

An important regional presence

As a highly operational organization, over 80 per cent of employees work outside the National Capital Region (NCR) to deliver direct services to Canadians.

With over 350 work locations across the country, frontline departmental staff are often the main or only federal presence in Canada's coastal communities.

In addition to the NCR, DFO comprises seven regions (Arctic, Gulf, Maritimes, Newfoundland & Labrador, Quebec, Pacific, and Ontario and Prairies), with an additional four Coast Guard regions (Central, Western, Atlantic, and Arctic).

In 2018, DFO/CCG established new dedicated Arctic Regions to advance Indigenous reconciliation and to reflect Arctic's growing economic and environmental importance to Canada. The former DFO/CCG Central and Arctic region are now respectively called the Ontario and Prairie Region (DFO) and the Central Region (CCG).

The Department manages major program investments and a substantial asset base

Departmental Funding

Departmental Assets

Budgetary Planning

Core responsibility and 2023-24 estimates

Science plays a key role in supporting decision making

Sustainable development: a strong science and evidence-base supports the responsible use of ocean resources, including fisheries, aquaculture, and offshore development.

Conservation and protection: assessments of habitat, species at risk, aquatic invasive species, and other ecosystem factors informs policy, enhances programs, and supports marine protected areas.

Oceans management: scientific data supports ocean governance and marine spatial planning, and hydrographic services enable safe navigation through Canada's waterways.

Environmental monitoring: scientific research and monitoring on environmental changes to support fisheries and aquatic ecosystem management and marine operations and responses.

Regular engagement with stakeholders, Indigenous partners, and other governments

Fish harvesters

Ensure fair access and allocation of fisheries resources to commercial harvesters; manage and administer licences; and, balance sustainability measures with positive economic outcomes.

Marine sectors

Enable robust economic activity and trade via marine shipping and transport, marine safety, and aids to navigation; affirm Canada's position in global fish and seafood markets.

Indigenous groups

Support expanded access to fisheries resources; provide greater agency and autonomy in decision-making; and, increase partnerships in ocean governance.

Provinces & territories

Jointly manage freshwater fisheries, ecosystems, and waterways with provincial and territorial governments and work collaboratively to address important issues within their jurisdiction.

International partners

Demonstrate Canadian leadership; promote Canada's international trade agenda; advance Canadian priorities for international fisheries; and, engage domestic stakeholders on international issues.


Advance environmental conservation; strengthen protections for species at risk; enhance sustainability requirements for fisheries; build environmental response capacity.

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