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Book 2, Tab C6 - Species at risk decision-making

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Species at Risk: A shared responsibility

The Species at Risk Act (SARA, 2004) is administered by three core federal departments:

Purpose of SARA

The purpose of SARA is to:

DFO’s SARA Decision-making role

DFO’s SARA activities

SARA decision making – Key phases


Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC – arms- length scientific assessment body) assesses species.

The Minister of Environment and Climate Change is responsible for all response statements on consultation plans.

DFO provides advice for aquatics as part of the Response Statement.


Three possible listing options:

The Minister of Environment and Climate Change makes all listing recommendations to the GIC.

The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans provides advice for aquatics to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

Recovery Planning

Recovery strategies, action plans, and management plans

The Minister is responsible for approving these recovery documents.


When a species is listed as threatened, endangered or extirpated, it becomes illegal to (among other things) kill, or harm it. Critical habitats are also protected from destruction.

SARA has various protection tools (e.g. ministerial orders) based on the GIC listing decision


SARA requires monitoring and reporting on the implementation of recovery documents every five years.

Departmental support is informed by:

DFO support for Species at Risk decisions

Science advice

Peer reviewed scientific information outlining status, and what is necessary to recover / conserve species


A broad set of advisory processes to determine views on conservation and management efforts

Legal advice

On the operation of the Act and court interpretations

Socio-economic considerations

Analysis of socio-economic impacts of species listing and some protection activities.

Tri-departmental policy

A suite of tools (some under development) for consistent approaches to the implementation of the Act for terrestrial and aquatic species

DFO policy

A suite of tools to guide on-the-ground implementation of the Act for aquatic species

Considerations for decision making

Annex A: SARA – Detailed process



Recovery planning



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