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Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard Key Media Lines
Scrum Issues – Media Lines

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Fiona Response (Small Craft Harbours)


Hurricane Fiona impacted infrastructure across Atlantic Canada and Quebec, including DFO-owned fishing harbours, managed by the Small Craft Harbours Program (SCH), as well as fishing and aquaculture operations. $100 million from the Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund (HFRF) (led by Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) has been directed to the recovery of lost fishing gear and repairs of small craft harbours.

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Aquaculture Management


Aquaculture receives a high-level of public interest and views of Canadians on aquaculture can be varied and regionally-focused.

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Messages specific to B.C. transition:

Moderate Livelihood


The Government of Canada recognizes the treaty right to fish in pursuit of a moderate livelihood, as affirmed in the 1999 Supreme Court of Canada's Marshall decision. The treaty right extends to 35 Nations in the Maritimes and Quebec.

In fall 2020, the Sipekne'katik First Nation launched what they referred to as a moderate livelihood fishery in St. Marys Bay, Nova Scotia. The move was met with strong public support, including from numerous other First Nations across the country, but also garnered heavy criticism from many Indigenous and non-Indigenous harvesters. Tensions were high and violence resulted.

While conflict has decreased since 2020, upholding the Marshall decision continues to be challenging and complex. Fisheries and Oceans Canada continues to negotiate with Treaty Nations to increase fishery access and implement the Indigenous right to fish.

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Marine Conservation


Under Budget 2021, the Government of Canada made a historic investment of $976.8 million in funding over five years to reach ambitious marine conservation targets through the establishment of marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, such as marine refuges.

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Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative


The Government of Canada launched the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative (PSSI) in June 2021 to stem steep declines and rebuild Pacific salmon stocks through a series of immediate and longer-term solutions, including targeted fishery closures, and a commercial licence buyback program.

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Canadian Coast Guard Fleet Renewal


The National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS) is a long-term project to renew Canada's federal fleet of combat and non-combat vessels. Media coverage tends to be positive in tone when related to the completion of vessels under the NSS. However, the negative perception persists that the NSS is not living up to expectations, is failing to deliver fast enough to replace aging Coast Guard vessels, and that costs are increasing.

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Canada's endangered whales—particularly the Southern Resident killer whale on the West Coast, and the North Atlantic right whale on the East Coast—generate a lot of media interest (local, national, and international). No matter the species (humpback, fin, blue whale, etc.) incidents such as mortalities, vessel collisions, and fishing entanglements can trigger media stories.

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North Atlantic right whale:

Southern Resident killer whale:

Sipekne'katik files Notice of Action against DFO in Nova Scotia Supreme Court


Sipekne'katik has filed legal action against the Department alleging that DFO's licencing decisions and certain trap seizures by fishery officers on July 18 and 19, 2023 were unlawful, infringed aboriginal and treaty rights, and were discriminatory. The community was issued a licence by the Department to harvest lobster for food, social and ceremonial (FSC) purposes. As DFO has not currently issued a licence authorizing fishing lobster for sale, any commercial fishing undertaken outside the conditions of a communal commercial licence is unauthorized.

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Shrimp Fishery in Quebec


The shrimp fishery is an industry of great importance for the economy in Quebec and the strong decline in the shrimp abundance of the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) is a concern for the future of this commercial fishery. There is a lot of media attention on this regional issue.

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