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Proceedings 2003/031

Proceedings of the workshop on the development of research priorities for the Northwest Atlantic blue whale population, 20-21 November 2002

Chairpersons: Véronique Lesage and Mike O. Hammill


A workshop to identify research priorities for the Northwest Atlantic blue whale population was held in Quebec City on November 20-21st, 2002. Filling in knowledge gaps regarding this endangered species is a key element in the development and implementation of a recovery strategy, planned for 2003-2004. Presentations summarized existing research programs in Canada, the US and Iceland. Participants reviewed the knowledge gaps and threats to the blue whale as identified in the COSEWIC report. Important knowledge gaps that were identified included a lack of knowledge on seasonal distribution, abundance, stock structure and seasonal movements. Research priorities also identified a need to determine and define breeding and feeding areas, and the extent to which physical and biological processes determine distribution, behaviour, and movements. This information will help define critical habitat as requested by the Species at Risk Act. Participants also identified the most effective approaches for addressing particular knowledge gaps, and evaluated the pros and cons of each approach such as photo-identification, passive acoustics, visual surveys, genetics, telemetry etc. Actions to be undertaken were listed according to priorities. These recommendations will aid DFO managers in evaluating future research needs in light of the blue whale recovery strategy.

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