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Proceedings 2010/045

Proceedings of the Central and Arctic Regional Assessment of Isuituq River Arctic Char, Cumberland Sound Area, NU; March 24-25, 2010

Chairperson: Michael Papst


Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (FAM) sector requested Science advice on the status of Cumberland Sound Arctic Char (Salvenius alpinus) stocks. The Isuituq River system, fished principally at the head of Clearwater Fiord was chosen for assessment. DFO Science has been collecting biological and catch and effort data since 2002 from Clearwater Fiord as part of an ongoing research program in the Cumberland Sound area. This water-body is one of the few in the area for which sufficient data were available for stock assessment analyses. The Isuituq River located at the head of Clearwater Fiord has a population of anadromous Arctic Char that have been fished locally under an exploratory licence since 1997. To determine if a stock has the potential to support a commercial fishery, sustainability of harvest levels must be demonstrated. The assessment is based on the analysis of data collected from the stock either from the fishery (catch-per-unit-effort biological samples) or from fishery independent research survey sampling.

A Regional Advisory Process (RAP) meeting was held in Pangnirtung, NU on March 24-25, 2010 to review the data and analyses from the Isuituq River Arctic Char and to develop Science advice about the status of the stock. Participants included DFO Science, DFO FAM, Pangnirtung Hunter’s and Trapper’s Association, Government of Nunavut (Fisheries and Sealing), Pangnirtung Fisheries Limited, the universities of British Columbia and Manitoba and Pangnirtung community members. However, few community members were able to attend the meetings. Participants agreed with the findings that the Isuituq River anadromous Arctic Char population appears to be stable and able to withstand the current level of harvest. Science advice resulting from the meeting is published in the Science Advisory report series and the supporting data analyses are published in the Research Document series.

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