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Proceedings 2010/057

Proceedings of the Central and Arctic Regional Science Advisory Process on the Identification of Conservation Objectives and Boundary Delineation for the Darnley Bay Area of Interest; December 8, 2010

Chairperson: Margaret Treble
Editor: Joclyn Paulic


Under the Health of the Oceans Initiative, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science sector has been asked to provide advice in support of the identification and development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) following the selection of an Area of Interest (AOI). An AOI was nominated in Darnley Bay, which is located in the western Canadian Arctic within the Beaufort Sea Large Ocean Management Area (LOMA). Subsequently, an ecological overview and assessment report (EOAR) was developed for the nominated AOI. DFO Science was asked by DFO Oceans to undertake a review of the EOAR, identify and prioritize areas within the AOI which meet the criteria for marine protection under the Oceans Act, provide advice on boundaries for those areas and identify one or more conservation objectives for each. A science advisory meeting was held on 8 December 2010 to review the EOAR and develop science advice on potential areas for protection. Meeting participants were from DFO Science sector and Oceans program, and specialists from the Canadian Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Canada and the Fisheries Joint Management Committee. The draft EOAR was distributed prior to the meeting. During the meeting, participants discussed the best available information, and knowledge gaps related to physical and ecologial processes and species known within Darnley Bay and the surrounding marine region. On the basis of those discussions, four areas within or near Darnley Bay were identified for possible marine protection and their boundaries delineated. One or more conservation objectives were formulated for each area. The draft EOAR was revised to reflect the discussions and conclusions reached during the meeting. It was published as a Research Document.

This Proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions and presents the key conclusions reached at the meeting. A Science Advisory Report and supporting Research Document, resulting from this advisory meeting, are published on the DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Website.

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