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Proceedings 2011/040

Proceedings of the Regional Advisory Process on the Assessment of Allowable Harm for Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence; February 4, 2011

Chairperson: D. Cairns


A regional advisory process meeting was held February 4, 2011 in Moncton (New Brunswick) to conduct a science peer review of an assessment of allowable harm for Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The peer review meeting was conducted in response to the request by the Gulf Region Species at Risk Secretariat to identify those activities which could be authorized by permit or those activities to which the prohibitions of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) could be excluded. The advice would be used to support the recommendation to list or not the species under the SARA. Participants at the science review included DFO Oceans and Science personnel from two DFO administrative regions (Gulf, Maritimes), personnel from DFO Species at Risk, Fisheries Management, from aboriginal peoples, from university researchers, from fishing industry interests, and from external experts. An advisory report was produced and one research document is anticipated to be published.

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