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Proceedings 2011/058

Pelagics Standing Committee reviews of: Stock assessment and management advice for the British Columbia herring stocks, 2010 assessment and 2011 forecasts, and Pacific herring biological sampling program design; September 1-2, 2010

Chairperson: L. Flostrand


Participants from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Branch and Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Branch and external participants from the Province of British Columbia Ministry of Environment, the Herring Conservation Research Society, the Haida First Nation, the Heiltsuk First Nation, Atlegay Fisheries Society, the Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia, Parks Canada, the Sports Fishing Advisory Board and invited biological consultants, attended a CSAS review on September 1st and 2nd to assess and develop advice on the following Research Document working papers:

In addition, participants assisted in the development of a Science Advisory Report titled:

Discussions and comments on the two working papers and on the development of the Science Advisory Report are presented in these Proceedings. Both papers were accepted subject to revisions. Products of the meeting will be two CSAS Research Documents and a CSAS Science Advisory Report.

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