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Proceedings 2012/040

Proceedings of the regional peer review meeting on the Recovery potential assessments for Eastern sand darter, Copper redhorse and Channel darter - Part 1; December 11-12, 2006

Chairpersons: J. Landry and S. Gosselin
Editor: C. Cyr


A recovery potential assessment (RPA) workshop for Copper Redhorse, Channel Darter and Eastern Sand Darter was held in Montreal on December 11 and 12, 2006. Representatives from the Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune du Québec [Quebec department of natural resources and wildlife] and the Quebec and Central and Arctic regions of Fisheries and Oceans Canada were in attendance. During the workshop, the parties reviewed certain general aspects of the context of the Species at Risk Act (SARA), the information available on the species concerned and the various recommended approaches, in line with the RPA development framework. The status of the various recovery strategies for each species was presented. This workshop also provided an update on biological and habitat status knowledge, as well as on knowledge of the main threats affecting these species. Recovery targets were also suggested. The outcomes of these preliminary discussions will be integrated at the later stages to develop an RPA for each species. These RPAs will be used in the decision-making process for listing species in the Species at Risk Act and in finalizing recovery strategies.

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