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Proceedings 2013/004

Proceedings of the Regional Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) of Carmine Shiner; 15-16 March 2011

Chairperson: K. Martin
Rapporteur: H. Cleator


In June 2003, the Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus) was added to Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) as Threatened. COSEWIC re-assessed the species as Threatened in April 2006. A recovery strategy was finalized in February 2008. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science was asked to undertake a Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) to inform development of an action plan and to support decision-making with regards to SARA agreements and permits. A Science advisory meeting was held on 15-16 March 2011 to conduct the RPA. Meeting participants were from DFO Science, the province of Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro and an independent fish consultant from Minnesota. Two working papers were distributed prior to the meeting. During the meeting, participants discussed the best available information and knowledge gaps for Carmine Shiner on a range of topics related to species biology, population and distribution, habitat requirements, threats to survival or recovery, potential mitigation measures and allowable harm. The working papers were revised to reflect the discussions and conclusions reached.

This Proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions and presents the key conclusions reached at the meeting. The Science Advisory Report and two supporting Research Documents, resulting from this advisory meeting, are published on the DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Website.

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