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Proceedings 2013/012

Proceedings of a Maritimes Regional Peer Review of the 2012 Framework and Assessment for 4VWX Silver Hake;
Part 1: May 30-31, 2012;
Part 2: November 15-16, 2012;
Part 3: December 11, 2012

Chairperson and Editor: T. Worcester


A Maritimes Regional Science Peer Review Process to review the assessment framework for, and then assess the status of, 4VWX silver hake was conducted in 2012 at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia in three parts: a review of data inputs (May 30-31, 2012), a review of candidate population models (November 15-16, 2012), and the assessment (December 11, 2012). Participants included DFO Science and Resource Management, an external reviewer from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, provincial fisheries management, and fishing industry representatives. The results of these meetings will be used to support management decisions related to the 4VWX silver hake fishery in 2013 and beyond.

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