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Proceedings 2015/009

Proceedings of the regional peer review of the risk assessment of Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Zones for vessel traffic to the eastern Canadian Arctic; November 20‑21, 2013

Chairperson: Margaret Treble
Editor: Kristen Adair


A regional Science peer-review meeting was held on 20-21 November 2013 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The purpose of the meeting was to provide advice on Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Zones (ABWEZs) in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The Science Advisory Report from the meeting will provide the information and scientific advice that may be used by Transport Canada Marine Safety (TCMS) to determine if changes are needed to the designated alternate exchange zones in the eastern Canadian Arctic.

Ballast water exchange is undertaken to minimize the ecological risk of nonindigenous species introductions. Current regulations under the Canada Shipping Act require all transoceanic ships entering Canadian waters to exchange ballast water outside the Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). If offshore exchange is not feasible for safety reasons such as heavy seas or storms, current Transport Canada regulations could allow for exchange in a designated alternate exchange zone. ABWEZs for vessel traffic to the Eastern Canadian Arctic are currently located in Lancaster Sound and Hudson Strait.

Meeting participants included experts from DFO Science, Transport Canada, Environment Canada, Parks Canada Agency, academia, the shipping industry, Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., and a biological consultant from Winnipeg.

This proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions from the peer-review and presents revisions to be made to the research document. It will be published in the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Proceedings Series on the CSAS website. One CSAS Research Document will be produced from this meeting and advice from the meeting will be published as a CSAS Science Advisory Report.

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