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Proceedings 2015/013

 Proceedings of the regional peer review of the assessment of Arctic Char in the Darnley Bay area of the Northwest Territories; February 6-7, 2014

Chairperson: Margaret Treble
Editor: Collin Gallagher


A Regional Advisory Process was held at the Freshwater Institute in Winnipeg to assess Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) from Darnley Bay, Northwest Territories. The meeting was held on February 6 and 7, 2014 and included participants from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Fisheries Joint Management Committee, the Paulatuk Hunters and Trappers Committee, University of Manitoba, and an independent expert. During the meeting, multiple presentations were made on various topics relevant to the assessment and included a description of the current subsistence fishery and past attempt at a commercial fishery, the methods used to collect a standardized multi-year data set for the assessment of char from the Hornaday River, the modelling of the data using three models to predict the current level of exploitation and stock status, freshwater and marine habitats utilized by char, a genetic mixed-stock fishery analysis, a summary of catch-effort and/or biological data of char captured from three main harvesting locations in Darnley Bay during the summer, and the results of an annual harvest survey of char (all harvesting locations in Darnley Bay) from the community of Paulatuk. The meeting accomplished its objectives of providing science advice to co-management partners, most importantly an estimate of maximum sustainable yield. Publications from the meeting included a Science Advisory Report and multiple Research Documents.

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