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Proceedings 2016/045

Proceedings of the Regional Peer Review of Spatial Scale for the Assessment of Northern Shrimp in SFAs 4-7; August 12-13, 2014

Chairperson: Brian Healey
Editor: James Meade


A meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) regional peer review process was held August 12‑13, 2014 in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) to review spatial scales appropriate for the assessment of Northern Shrimp in the Northwest Atlantic, Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFA) 4‑7.

Recent genetic analysis indicated that the Northern Shrimp stock in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions (Divs.) 3LNO is part of a wider population spanning the NAFO Subarea 2 and at least Divs. 3KL.  Currently, transport of shrimp across the management area boundaries is not accounted for in the assessment and therefore introduces additional uncertainty.  In 2013, NAFO Scientific Council recommended exploration of alternative approaches that take into account the entire stock area.  Since that time however, the management implications from the original analysis have been withdrawn.  Instead, the paper explained how gene flow requires only a modest number of successful exchanges per generation in order to reduce genetic differentiation among populations to a very low level.

In support of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) commitments made at the 2013 NAFO International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Pandalus Assessment Group (NIPAG), DFO Science conducted a Regional meeting to investigate spatial scales appropriate for the assessment of Northern Shrimp in the Northwest Atlantic.  The key objective of this meeting (see Terms of Reference – Appendix I) was to determine if there is understanding sufficient to support a change in the spatial aspects of Northern Shrimp assessment and management.  The meeting examined the evidence relating to the options for changing the current spatial basis including eliminating the boundaries, or maintaining the boundaries but eliminating the assumption of independence between them.

The meeting concluded that it would be a mistake to ignore either the connections or the differences between SFAs, but that rules governing connections will be very difficult to discern.  Even if there were a decision to treat the whole shelf “as a unit”, this should not be taken to mean that internal structure and differences can be ignored.

This Proceedings Report includes an abstract and summary of discussion for each presentation, as well as the meeting conclusions and a list of research recommendations.  The Terms of Reference and the list of participants are provided in Appendices I and II, respectively.  Participation included personnel of DFO Science and Fisheries Management Branches, from both Newfoundland and Labrador Region and National Headquarters.

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