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Proceedings 2019/018

Proceedings of the National Peer Review for Science advice on operational guidance on functional monitoring: Surrogate metrics of fish productivity to assess the effectiveness of mitigation and offsetting measures; February 26-28, 2018

Chairs: Bronwyn Keatley and Karen Smokorowski

Editors: Amanda Winegardner and Luc Glover


A Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) National peer review process was held February 26 – 28, 2018 at the Alt Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario. The Fisheries Protection Program (FPP) had requested advice on the utility and development of functional monitoring approaches for use in the assessment of management (mitigation, offsetting, restoration) measures applied to fish habitat. FPP is interested in how monitoring techniques relying on surrogate information for fisheries productivity can be used to collect data on projects that may not require detailed effectiveness monitoring.

The meeting included discussion around the differences between compliance, effectiveness, and functional monitoring. It was agreed that functional monitoring can be used under certain situations for both project-specific monitoring as well as program-level analysis of aquatic habitat management measures related to mitigation, offsetting, and restoration.

Participants in this meeting included DFO staff from various sectors as well as external experts. A Science Advisory Report was prepared following the meeting.

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