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Research Document - 2008/030

Estimates of Total Allowable Removals for the eastern Canada/West Greenland population of Bowhead Whales

By L. Dueck


The total allowable human-induced removals of bowhead whales for eastern Canada/West Greenland, based on single shared Canada-Greenland stock was estimated using a Potential Biological Removal (PBR) approach. The results for two levels of recovery factor were examined for a range of population estimates. The estimated PBR for a fully-corrected estimate of abundance was 18 whales with a recovery factor of 0.1, and 90 whales with a recovery factor of 0.5. Until such time as the population estimates and accompanying correction factors have been refined through further scientific research, we recommend a precautionary approach be used (recovery factor of 0.1) to set removal levels for bowhead whales. Removals include all whales removed due to human induced causes which include ship collisions, entanglements, and all hunts.

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