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Research Document - 2009/045

Atlantic salmon return and spawner estimates for Labrador

By D.G. Reddin


In this paper, estimates of 1-sea winter (1SW) and 2-sea winter (2SW) returns to rivers and spawners for Labrador salmon stocks are presented for the years 1969-2008. Estimates for 2008 are preliminary. The estimates of Labrador returns were derived by three techniques for periods of 1969-1997, 1998‑2001 and 2002-2008. The first technique utilized exploitation rates that were derived from a tagging study at Sand Hill River, Labrador in 1970-1973 applied to commercial salmon catches in the years 1969-1997 and corrected for non-Labrador origin salmon in the fishery. The second technique utilized exploitation rates applied to angling catches to derive returns for the years 1998-2001. The third technique utilized counts at four enumeration facilities in Labrador adjusted for drainage area to derive returns for all Labrador rivers for the years 2002 to present. Spawners in all years were determined as the returns to rivers minus the landings in angling fisheries plus an adjustment for loses due to hooked-and-released fish. The mid-point of the estimated returns (201,069) of 1SW salmon to Labrador rivers in 2008 is 5% higher than in 2007. The mid-point (17,785) of the estimated 2SW returns to Labrador rivers in 2008 was 19% higher than in 2007 and 38% higher than the recent 5‑year average of 12,932. The mid-point of the estimated numbers of 2SW spawners (17,559) was 38% above the previous year and was 50% of the total 2SW conservation requirement for Labrador. The 2SW conservation requirement has only been exceeded once (1998) since 1971. The mid-point of the estimated numbers of 1SW spawners (198,916) was 5% higher than estimated for 2007. The number of recruits has steadily declined from higher levels in the early 1970s to present low levels in spite of the closure of the commercial fishery. 1SW salmon spawners are well above conservation requirements while those of large and 2SW salmon remain well below.

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