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Research Document - 2010/027

Stock Assessment and Quota Options for the Green Sea Urchin, (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), Fishery in British Columbia, 2010-2013

By B. Waddell, Z. Zhang and R.I. Perry


The green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) fishery is a small but important component of British Columbia’s dive fisheries. Integrated Fishery Management Plans (IFMP) for this fishery are prepared for three year periods There are two major fishing regions for green urchin populations (Northeast and Southeast Vancouver Island) and they both appear to be under low fishing pressure. The catch per unit of effort has been increasing since 1993-94 and is currently at its highest level since the start of the fishery in 1987. However total landings and landed values have been at their lowest levels during the past five fishing seasons as a result of poor market prices in Japan.

This paper provides quota options for both Northeast Vancouver Island and Southeast Vancouver Island using a Bayesian biomass dynamic model. The model uses data from both the commercial fishery and from fishery-independent surveys. It is recommended that fishery-independent surveys be continued and expanded to include other Pacific Fishery Management Areas (PFMAs).

A new three year IFMP (2010-2013) will be developed following advice from this paper.

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