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Research Document - 2010/095

Recommendations for managing brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, stocks on the Jonathans Brook watershed, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, using fisheries dependent and independent data

By D.G. Keefe and R.C. Perry


This study examines the effectiveness of the current brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, regulations (daily: 12 trout or 2.27 kg + 1 fish, possession: twice daily limit) on the Jonathans Brook watershed, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Attitudinal surveys conducted on the Jonathans brook watershed revealed that anglers believe fish stocks have declined and that the current regulations are ineffective. Fisheries dependant data estimated angler catch at 2.6 fish per trip with the angled catch composition composed, primarily, of small immature fish. Fisheries independent data showed that the majority of fish reached sexual maturity by age 3. On average fish remained in the population for only 3.99 years which limited breeding opportunities. Growth projections derived using the von Bertlanffy growth equation indicated brook trout could reach an asymptotic length of 58 cm. We estimate that brook trout in the system mature between 12.5 and 28.5 cm. Based on length at sexual maturity, we provide data to support establishing a minimum size at retention regulation of 23 cm. This should provide protection for maiden spawning brook trout in the Jonathans Brook watershed. This protection will likely increase the mean size and abundance of brook trout in the lakes, and in angler catches.  

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