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Research Document - 2010/129

Recreational winter fishing in Saguenay river from 1996 to 2010

By M. Desgagnés, H. Bourdages, and J-D. Lambert


The status of exploited marine species in the Saguenay Fjord is determined each year by examining various indicators from the winter sport fishery and the research survey. This document presents the data and methods used to produce fishery indicators. NUE estimates (number of fish per unit effort) for 15 years of sampling fisheries (1996-2010) are presented for each of the four following species: redfish (Sebastes spp.), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), ogac (Gadus ogac) and Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). Moreover, the size structures and biological parameters of the sampled populations are presented.

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