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Research Document - 2011/015

Age determination of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Results from an otolith exchange between Canada and France

By B.P. Healey, K. Mahé, G. Cossitt, J.-L. Dufour, J. Felix, H.F. Hicks, C. Hiscock, and P. Schwab


Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO subDivision 3Ps are exploited and jointly managed by Canada and France. Assessments of stock status incorporate age determinations from both countries when dis-aggregating total catches into catch-at-age. An otolith exchange was initiated to evaluate the degree of consistency in the age determinations of Canadian and French personnel. Both graphical and statistical analysis clearly indicate differences in interpretation between Canadian and French readers, with ages assigned by Canadian personnel generally being one-year greater than those of participants from France. However, consistency in age determinations was relatively high within Canada and within France.

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