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Research Document - 2011/024

Estimated Grey Seal Diets near Sable Island Derived from Fecal Samples: 1991 to 2010

By W.D. Bowen, P. Carter, and M. Hammill


Fecal samples collected seasonally at Sable Island were used to estimate the species composition of the diet of grey seals during the period 1991-1998 and in winter, 2010. Sand lance dominated the diet in all seasons and years. Sand lance was recovered in an average of 77.6 % (CV 20.7%) of scats indicating that most individuals in the population consumed this species. Both the occurrence (30.9%) and percentage of the diet (wet weight) comprising Atlantic cod were highly variable, with CVs of 53% and 104%, respectively, among seasons and years. Number correction factors were applied to attempt to reduce the bias associated with complete digestion of otoliths. Percentage of cod in the diet varied from 0 to 21.7 %, but showed no trend over time or significant differences among seasons. Cod averaged 7.1 % (7.4 SD) of the diet.

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