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Research Document - 2011/052

Assessment of the Arctic Surfclam (Mactromeris polynyma) Stock on Grand Bank

By D. Roddick, J. Brading, L. Carrigan, T. Davignon-Burton, S. Graham, and C. McEwen


A survey of the Grand Bank Arctic Surfclam stock on Grand Bank, Newfoundland was conducted to assess the biomass of the stock in this area. The survey was conducted in three parts in 2006, 2008 and 2009, and was also complicated by the use of two different vessels and three dredges. The survey provided a research vessel biomass of 1,140,662 t in an area of 49,473km². Recruitment and growth overfishing are not a problem in this fishery with the present gear selectivity pattern. Size at 50% selectivity is larger than size at maturity and the size at maximum cohort biomass. The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) could be increased from the present 20,000 t applying the FMCY approach used for Banquereau, but caution is advised as a large portion of the biomass is in low density areas, and there continue to be uncertainties about the impact of dredges on overall benthic productivity.

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