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Research Document - 2011/068

Recommendations for indicator selection for Endeavour Hydrothermal vents Marine Protected Area

By Sarah C. Davies, Miriam O, and James A. Boutillier


In support of the Health of the Oceans Initiative, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science has been asked to recommend scientifically defensible indicators to monitoring the achievement of the conservation objective for the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area (EHV MPA). This paper outlines a five step Stressor Based Indicator Identification Framework to monitor human induced stressors and the ecosystem reference state. This framework evaluates human activities using a Pathways of Effects (PoE) approach to understand the extent and nature of the impacts of potential stressors on the ecosystem. All known human activities have been identified for the EHV MPA, and simplified PoEs have been carried out for each activity. These PoEs were provided as examples for discussion and future more in-depth evaluation is required to complete these PoEs and subsequent risk assessments. The broad nature of the conservation objective for the EHV MPA needs to be refined to operational level objectives that are measurable to determine candidate indicators for monitoring.

This paper recommends:

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