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Research Document - 2011/103

Possible disappearance of a white hake (Urophycis tenuis) spawning component in Baie Verte (Northumberland Strait): Evidence from fixed station sampling in July 1985, July 1986, June 1994 and July 2001

By T.R. Hurlbut


Throughout the 1980s, there was a seasonal fishery that targeted spawning concentrations of white hake in Baie Verte (Northumberland Strait). Repeated sampling at eight fixed stations in Baie Verte in July 1985, July 1986 and June 1994 yielded similar catch rates of predominately commercial sized white hake. However, repeated sampling of the same fixed stations in July 2001 revealed that white hake had virtually disappeared from the area. There is additional evidence in support of the conclusion that white hake had disappeared from Baie Verte in 2001, and for the remainder of the decade, in the absence of catches in this area during the July-August 2001-2009 bottom-trawl survey of the Northumberland Strait.

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