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Research Document - 2012/129

Assessment of the Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica) Stock in Southwest New Brunswick

By D. Roddick


Surveys of the Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica) populations in southwest New Brunswick were conducted for the Mace’s Bay area in 2006, and the Grand Manan area in 2007. These surveys estimated the biomass as 42,729 t, with Mace’s Bay area accounting for 91% of this biomass. Natural mortality was estimated to be 0.12, which is higher than other Scotian Shelf populations. This higher mortality rate is supported by the length frequencies from the surveys and limited ageing data. Using the recommended target Fishing Mortality (F) of 0.33M, the harvest levels would be 1,537 t for Mace’s Bay and 155 t for Grand Manan.

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