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Research Document - 2012/137

Calculation of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) spawning biomass from the ichthyoplankton surveys conducted on the west coast of Newfoundland between 2004 and 2009

By F. Grégoire, W. Barry, J.-J. Barry, J. Barry, J.-L. Beaulieu, M.-H. Gendron, and D. LeBlanc


In partnership with industry, ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted on the west coast of Newfoundland between 2004 and 2009. The objectives of these surveys were to describe the spatial distribution and to calculate the abundance of the larvae of two important commercial species: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus) and capelin (Mallotus villosus). Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) eggs and larvae were also collected during these surveys. Total Atlantic mackerel egg productions were converted into spawning biomasses by applying the same methodology used for the egg abundance surveys in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. For the area between Bonne Bay and Port au Port Bay, spawning biomasses ranged from 1,911 t in 2004 to 12,321 t in 2008 and 11,803 t in 2009. For St. George's Bay alone, spawning biomasses of 1,821, 5,865 and 5,641 t were calculated in 2007, 2008 and 2009. For the area between Bonne Bay and St. George's Bay, biomasses calculated for those three years were 13,234, 19,682 and 13,729 t, respectively. Although these biomasses are below those measured in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, they represent non-negligible values given the small size of the area sampled.

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