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Research Document - 2013/008

Silver Hake 2012 Framework Assessment: Data Inputs and Exploratory Modelling

By H.H. Stone, D. Themelis, A.M. Cook, D.S. Clark, M.A. Showell, G. Young, W.E. Gross, P.A. Comeau, and L.A. Alade


In 2012, the Maritimes Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada undertook a framework assessment of 4VWX silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis). Such assessments are intended to be a comprehensive review of the biology, stock structure, the fishery, abundance indices, current assessment methodology and approaches for determining acceptable harvest limits. The results of updated analyses on stock structure, spatial and temporal patterns in distribution and relative abundance, fishery catch rates, biological attributes (length and weight-at-age, sex ratio at size and age, condition factor, maturity) and other data inputs for stock assessment (recruitment, relative fishing mortality, total mortality, partial recruitment patterns) are described here. In addition, population dynamics were modelled using several approaches to determine which model best fit the observed data. The commercial fishery footprint relative to the Scotian Shelf as well as habitat associations, prey and predators of silver hake, were also examined. This research document is intended to provide an update on several biological and fishery attributes for future framework evaluations.

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