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Research Document - 2014/040

Overview of By-catch and Discards in the Maritimes Region Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 27-33 based on Species at Risk Act (SARA) At-sea Sampling 2009-2010

By D.S. Pezzack, C.M. Denton, and M.J. Tremblay


Initial estimates of the incidental catch in the Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 27-33 lobster fishery are presented, including discarded and retained catch of the 50 species caught. The Maritimes Region lobster fishery (LFAs 27-34) was sampled as part of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) by-catch study, for levels of incidental catch and discards during 2009-2010. A total of 552 samples were taken on 370 vessels, and 178 mt of lobsters recorded. Species were identified and weights estimated. Lobsters were sexed and measured. Observed weights were expanded to total weight using the ratio of observed weight of incidental species to observed lobsters and total logbook lobster landings. The primary incidental species include Jonah crab and rock crab, of which males may be retained for bait and sale in most LFAs, and various sculpin/sea raven species. The presence and catch rates of species vary among LFAs. The non-lobster portion of the total catch ranged from 1.5% in LFA 31b to 13% in LFA 33. If legally retained crab species are not included, the discarded incidental catches range from 0.1% (LFA 32) to 7.5% (LFA 33). As traps are designed to catch bottom crawling crustaceans, the overall incidental catch, with the exception of crab species, was low. The occurrence of SARA-listed species was low. Lobster under legal size, berried females, v-notched females (LFAs 28-30, 31b-33), females above the maximum size (LFA 30), or in the window size range (LFA 31a) must be returned to the water. Overall lobster discard rates were highest in LFA 27, with an estimated discard rate of 1.27 kg of lobsters discarded for each kg of lobster landed, followed by LFA 32 (0.79 kg), LFA 34 (0.74 kg), LFA 33 (0.47 kg), and LFAs 30-31b (0.22-0.25 kg). Sublegal sized lobsters represent the majority of discards. In LFAs 27, 33, and 34, sublegals exceed 90% of the discards, while in LFAs 30-31b sublegals were 72-79% of the discards. In LFA 32, sublegals represented 53% of the discards.

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