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Research Document - 2016/020

Considerations for Identification of Effective Area-based Conservation Measures

By Kenchington, E., McLean, S., and Rice, J.C.


This report presents relevant material to inform a June 2015 DFO National Science Advisory meeting to produce a science-based consensus interpretation of the phrase, and associated guidance on reporting on: “Percentage of total coastal and marine territory conserved in marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures” in Canadian marine waters, with emphasis on informing evaluation of what constitutes an effective area-based conservation measure. We present the current framework of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) for reporting on this indicator and challenge some of the assumptions embedded in their approach. It is recommended that empirical evidence of “conservation benefits” be provided when evaluating effectiveness whenever possible. In cases where such evaluations cannot be made we present a selection of ecologically based factors, drawn from a literature review, which when present can infer that the area has been effective at achieving its conservation goals. None of the reviews concluded that any individual factor was either necessary or sufficient to ensure conservation of biodiversity, but each could contribute to conservation of some or many aspects of biodiversity if applied in an appropriate manner. Therefore, it is concluded that scientifically sound decisions about what to include as areas where “other effective area-based conservation measures” are in place, will have to be done on a case by case basis for the different types of areas where spatial measures are in effect.

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