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Research Document - 2016/022

Updates to a Northern Cod (Gadus morhua) State-Space Integrated Assessment Model

By N. Cadigan


The stock assessment model developed for Northern cod (Cadigan 2015) is updated with more recent data, for review at the 2015 Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Northern Cod Framework Review Meeting. The model was modified to include age information for tagged fish and information on the monthly fraction of total fishery catches taken each year which is used to infer exploitation rates of tagged fish in the year they were released. Additional options were added to model the variability in fishing mortality experience by groups of tagged fish, to model changes in catchability of the Sentinel 5.5 in mesh gillnet catch rates, and to include  total fishery catch bounds in weight. Several model formulations were presented to illustrate potential sensitivity of model results to assumptions. Detailed results were provided in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Framework meeting.

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